Chapter 12

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Chapter 12



I walked up to Regina's castle and walked inside “hello, Regina” I called out as I walked into a huge room where it looked like Regina would get ready at. I looked around but couldn't see anyone as I walked out onto the terrorist and looked around to still see nothing. “I was expecting someone taller and older” I quickly turned around to see a green woman in a long, black dress smiling at me. “You must be the Wicked Witch” I said “ah so you've heard of me” the lady said walking up to me.

“Where is he, where is Pan” “ah you mean Peter Pan, you know I liked it better when Pan staid in Neverland and you stayed with your father in the castle”. I did a fake smile “ya me too at times, why aren't you here” I asked “why not, you people have everything here, everything I ever wanted. Now I have it” the Wicked Witch said “what, you weren't happy with living in OZ” I asked.

“Where is he” I practically yelled at her “does your father know you're here, I think not considering he let you come in here by yourself” the Wicked Witch said to me with a smile. “Who says she's alone” Regina said standing behind the Wicked Witch “well, I see you came back” “and it looks like just in time too” Regina said with a evil smile as I began to slowly walk out of the room. “Star go home” Regina said to me still looking at the Wicked Witch.

“I'm not leaving without Pan” I said stopping in my tracks “well then, you better go and get him” Regina said as I quickly ran back into the castle and towards the castle.


I opened my eyes and looked around to see I was in an apartment back in Storybrooke. I sat up and looked next to me to see that the spot next to me was unmade then I heard a noise come from the kitchen and I quickly stood up and saw myself in the mirror. I wore some light purple PJ pants and a light purple PJ top with my hair down and was taller. My hair was back to being blond with a few black streaks in it. I looked next to my bed and saw that I had a sword leaning against the wall.

I quick grabbed the sword and slowly walked into the kitchen and saw a guy going threw one of the drawers with there back turned to me. I slowly walked up to them and held my sword in my hand as the floor creaked under my feet and the guy turned around as I held the sword to there face. I looked at the boy surprised when I saw there face “Bailey” the boy said to me “Peter” I said with a smile as I dropped the sword and hugged him as he hugged me back.

Prince Charming

I walked down the hallway towards Star's room as I looked up I saw a lady with blond hair. “Help me, I have to remember, please, I can't forget you” the lady said and disappeared. Who was that? I went to walk into Star's room as Snow caught up to me “Charming where are you going” she quick asked me stopping me in my tracks. “To check on Star” I said to Snow a bit confused on her attitude.

“She's not in there, I mean she's sleeping, she was tired and wanted to get some sleep” Snow quick said. “Well I just want to check on her make sure she's okay” I said walking pat Snow and opening Star's room to see it empty. “Snow, where is Star” I asked turning around and facing Snow, mad. “Charming listen to me” “no tell me where she is” I said still mad as Snow was quiet for a second. “She went to Regina's, to save Pan, Peter Pan” Snow said not making eyes contact with me.

I stormed out of Star's room, leaving Snow standing in Star's room alone.

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