Chapter 14

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Chapter 14



Peter and I leaned on the counter while Emma sat down in a chair and David stood next to her. Emma came back down the stairs “okay, Henry's asleep upstairs, if he wakes up, you four are helping me with the case, okay” we all shook our heads okay. “So, what the hell happened here, I mean, besides the obvious” Emma asked us “we don't know” Mary Margaret said. “We watched you drive over the town line with Henry, Regina started to cast her spell to take us all back to the Enchanted Forest, and then everything went black” David said.

“And the next thing we remember is waking up in our beds like it was any other morning in Storybrooke” I said. “What about you” Emma asked Peter “I was flying back here, to Storybrooke and then I landed at the castle and I blacked out, don't remember anything else” Peter said. “Except there is clearly more to it” Emma said “almost harvest time, but you can't remember the planting, that's bad luck, mate” Hook said showing himself. I looked at hook and smiled at him and he smiled and nodded his head to me.

“Clearly a year has passed, I was in New York, I know that it did” Emma said “and we don't know where the hell we were or even if we left Storybrooke” David said. “Aye, you did, I was with you all” Hook said to us “in the Enchanted Forest, Regina's spell brought us back” I asked confused. “We spent a brief time with a Prince and Princess named Phillip and Aurora, but I wasn't feeling the community spirit, so I ventured off on my own. Last I saw of you lot, you were making your way to Regina's castle” Hook said to us.

“And now you're cursed, why doesn't that surprise me” Emma said “Regina seems as clueless as the rest of us, I'm not sure she was involved in this” Mary Margaret said. “So she says” Emma said to herself “I don't understand, if you left the Enchanted Forest before the curse, how did you know to find Emma and come to Storybrooke” David asked Hook. “As I was sailing the realms, a seagull landed on my ship's wheel with a note instructing me to retrieve Emma and bring her back here. There was a small vial of memory potion tied to its leg” Hook said.

“Who sent it” Mary Margaret asked “you did or so I thought” Hook said to Mary Margaret “message via bird that does sound like you” David said. All of a sudden the 7 dwarfs came storming in “what is it” David asked them “we lost another one, we're down to five now” Leroy/ Grumpy said “four, actually Bashfuls not answering” another dwarf said. “Wait, what is going on” “thank God you're back sister, it's not just our memories that are missing. Ever since we woke up, people have begun disappearing. Whoever cursed us is picking us off one by one” Leroy said.

“Who exactly is missing” Emma asked “aside from those dwarfs, we're not sure” I said “there's been a lot of confusion over the past few days, it's been hard to keep track of everyone” David said. “wait, Neal, is he here” Emma asked “well we haven't found him, yet” David said “so he might have been taken, too” one of the Dwarfs said “smart money's on yes” Leroy said “Leroy” Mary Margaret quick said. “He'll turn up, Swan, he always does” Leroy said.

“Some folks are starting to set up camp in the woods at the edge of town, Neal might be there” Peter said. “Or he may not have gotten swept up in the curse at all” Mary Margaret said “there's only one way we're gonna figure all this out, we need to get your memories back” Emma said “how are we going to do that” Leroy asked Emma “by figuring out who took them in the first place” I said for Emma.

We headed to the dinner where Henry was “here you go Hen, young man a nice hot cocoa” Red said to Henry seating a cup of hot cocoa with cinnamon on it. “Hey, with cinnamon, how did you know” Henry asked Red “uh, lucky guess, you've got a cinnamon kind of face” Red said walking away as we walked in. “Oh” Henry said as we walked inside. “Henry, this is David, his wife Mary Margaret, his daughter Bailey, and her boyfriend Peter” Emma said “are you helping my mom with the case, or are they the ones who jumped bail” Henry asked Emma.

I did a smile and laughed “oh, no, they are they're just old friends” “friends, from where” Henry asked “Phoenix” Mary Margaret said as Emma said “here” at the same time. “Well, Phoenix and then here” Emma said “but I thought you were only in Phoenix for being in that place” Henry asked “right” Emma said while I left everyone and walked over to Red. “Hey girly so I see your with Pan again” Red said to me while I sat down.

“Yes, I don't know why but I feel like this is what I was looking for this past year” I said looking at Peter as they sat down. “He seems different, now” Red said “well he is” I said with a smile “really” Red said giving me a look. “No, not like that, he made me breakfast the morning and I don't know, he just seems different, a good different” I said looking at Peter with a smile.

All of a sudden you heard something fall and break and we looked over to see Regina looking at Henry. “Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you” Regina said “oh, um t, that's okay” Henry said “Regina, Regina, we need to talk, come on” Emma said “uh oh, this is not going to end well” Red said “ya no kidding” I said as I took a sip of chocolate cocoa. All of a sudden David's phone went off and he checked it “another person's been kidnapped” David said as we left Mary Margaret with Henry and we all went with David.

“I wouldn't step over that line if I were you” Emma said as David, Emma, Hook, Peter, the dwarfs, and I stood at the line where apparently someone was taken over it. “You think Little John was carried away because he attempted to cross that line” David asked Emma “makes sense the dwarfs were out checking the line to see if anyone was coming or going when they disappeared” David said. “What exactly took little John” I asked the dwarfs “we didn't get a good look, some manner of beast with wings” Leroy said.

“It sounds a lot like the monster that attacked me in New York” Emma said “you mean the monster you were going to marry” I asked. “You were gonna marry someone” David asked shocked “did you just miss the part where I said "monster"”. “We need to find little John, it may lead us to everyone else who's gone missing” I said. “David, take the dwarfs and run a search grid and see if you can find any sign of their missing guy” Emma said to David. “I'll come with, your going to need me to find him” I said.

“Are you not joining us, Swan” Hook asked “not yet, Regina was right. I'm not gonna figure out who's behind this curse by talking to people one by one” Emma said “what are you gonna do” I asked? “I'm gonna talk to everybody” Emma said.

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