Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


1 Year later


I stood at my wheel as I wheeled my ship around the ocean until finally what I had looked for had came into sight...... Never Land.


I walked thru the woods with the outfit that Peter had got me before and had my long, stick in my hand. I walked into the camp were the new lost boys danced around the campfire dancing to the music that Peter was making it. I walked over to Peter stopped the music but someone took over it while Peter walked over to me.

Peter grabbed my hand “what were you up too” “nothing just took a walk, there's a ship coming, I think I know whose it is” I said. Peter looked around “someones on the island, I'll go check it out, make sure everyone's hidden” Peter said and gave me a quick kiss and disappeared. I sighed “everyone go to your passions, we have a visitor” I said.


I parked my ship and jumped onto the sand, looking around, I knew Pan knew I was here but part of me thought that he would be so in love with Star that he wouldn't notice if anyone was here. Wrong. “Hook, what a surprised” Pan said walking out of the woods towards me with a smile. “Pan, a year and you still haven't changed” I said with a smile “has it already been a year, it sure doesn't feel like it” Pan said.

“Why are you here Hook” Pan asked me “I've come to save Star from this island and from you” I said. “What makes you think she wants to leave” Pan asked walking up to me “I don't think anyone would ever want to spend another minute here, especially with you” I said. “So you thought you could just come in and take her from me, try and save her. You had your chance to save her before and look what happened” Pan said with a smile.

“No but that doesn't mean I can't try” I said and threw this dust in his face; he fell to the sandy ground. It was sleeping dust, I never thought I would ever use anything that Gold had given me but I finally had something to use. I walked thru the woods, walking to Pans camp, but as I got there I felt like I was being watched. I stopped and quick turned around, but no one was there.

I knew someone was behind me and smiled “hello Star” I said and turned back around “hello Hook, why are you here” she asked with a smile that turned to a straight face. “I've come to rescue you” I said “then you've wasted your time because I don't need rescuing, I am completely happy” she said. I looked at her like she had completely lost her mind “what, did Pan hypnotize you or something, the last time I last time I saw you, you didn't want to stay”. “Okay then Hook, if I didn't want to stay then why did I stay” Star asked me.

“Because you knew you had to because he threatened your family” I said like it was obvious. “Are you sure I didn't stay here because of Peter” she said; I couldn't take anymore. I reached in my pocket and grabbed some of the sleeping dust and went to throw it at her but she disappeared before it hit her. I looked around until I turned around “Hook, Hook, Hook I thought by now you would have learned that I know every trick in your head”.

I smiled “not all” she looked at me confused and I quickly blew some in her face and she fell to the ground. I picked her up and carried her to the ship. We were leaving this island for good.

Neverland's Heart (OUAT Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora