Chapter 8

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Chapter 8



I opened my eyes and quick sat up, looking around; I was wearing the same light blue dress with a same light blue shoes that I had wore when I was taken by Hook. I could tell that I was smaller as I stood up and looked around the room. I was back at the cabin and I could remember everything that had happened before. Meeting Henry and Emma, seeing my dad again, watching Pan die, everything. I quick banged on the door until it finally broke and fell to the ground with a thud.

I had forgotten that I was a vampire again until I started to run threw the woods, holding my dress up. I was barefoot but I didn't care. I looked around and kept running until I saw a field opening and ran out of the woods just as my dad was about to run over to them. I stopped and so did he. I smiled and quick ran over to him as he ran over to me.

He picked my up off the ground and hugged me so tight as I hugged him back. “Daddy” I said crying as he he held me in his arms then finally put me down. I looked past him and saw everyone, they were all dressed like they were before the curse came and all standing around talking. We walked over as I looked at everyone as they smiled at me.

“You look different wearing a dress” Snow said as I smiled “so do you” “I almost forgot what you looked like as a kid” Hook said as I looked at him with a smile. “How come we still can remember what happened” I asked Regina “I don't know, we shouldn't. The curse was suppose to make everyone forget”. I looked around “so now what” I asked “now, we go on with our lives” Regina said.

“You mean, go back to the castle” Snow asked “yes” Regina said as I looked at Snow and dad. “Come on” my dad said as we all followed him and Snow; we walked for awhile in the woods until we found the opening in the woods and looked and saw our castle. “Wow, its more beautiful then I remember” Snow said as it looked just like it did before the curse came. “Come on” I said running down the hill as dad and Snow smiled and kissed and a few other kids and even some adults ran behind me.

I ran and looked at the village that was close to the castle were a lot of people lived as a few people looked at where they lived. I ran until I reached the huge doors of the castle and smiled big as I pushed them open and saw the castle. “Wow” I said as Charming and Snow were behind me and I walked around the castle and danced around as Charming smiled then quickly ran over to me and picked me up surprising me and dancing around as Snow smiled and laughed.

When he put me down I quickly ran up to my room with vampire speed, I couldn't remember which room was mine so I started to open up a few doors. As I opened one a arrow quick flew by my head as I quick missed it as it hit a vase and shattered.

Prince Charming

I watched as Star ran up to her room with a smile all over her face as Snow came up from behind me and placed her chin on the back of my shoulder. “She really is enjoying this” “ya, I missed watching run up the stairs and running around, talking with everyone” I said watching where she had ran off to. All of a sudden I heard a crash like something fell and quick was a little worried.

I drew my sword “stay here” I said and ran up the stairs “Charming” Snow called as I ignored her and ran up the stairs and into the hallway. I looked into different rooms until I heard someone speak and peaked in to see Star pointing a sword at a guy who had arrows. “Listen, I didn't mean any harm” the guy said “if you didn't mean any harm then why did you just try to shoot me with a arrow” I asked.

I walked into the room still holding my sword up until I got a could look at him “Robin Hood” I heard someone say behind me and looked to see Snow. The guy looked up and looked at Snow “Snow, Snow White” he asked with a smile as he went to hug her but Star and I both held our swords up at him.

“Its okay you two, he's a friend” Snow said as Star and I put down our swords “Prince Charming” Robin said to me. As me and him shook hands and he looked at Star “and who might you be” he asked in almost a little child's voice and Star pointed the sword at him. “Don't talk to me like a child, if I wanted to I could kill you before you can even say oops”.

I couldn't help but laugh a little “why are you here” Snow as Robin as Star put her sword down. “Well after the Wicked Witch came into town this has been one of the only safe places left” Robin said. “Hey I'm right here” we turned to see Regina standing in the doorway “for once I'm not talking about you” Robin said as Star smiled. “I mean the real Wicked Witch, and her assistant” “who's her assistant” Emma asked as he looked at all of us.

“Shelby, your mother” Robin said looking at Star and then at me as we all stared at him, shocked.

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