Chapter 9

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Chapter 9



“Um in case you didn't know my mother has been dead since I was born” I said confused. “Well apparently not because I recognized her plain as day” Robin said “I can't handle this right now” I said and walked outside and towards the ocean, leaning on the deck. I sighed, how could my mother be alive after all these years and shes alive. All of a sudden I heard a splash and looked up to see Ariel “Ariel” I said “hello Star, I heard about your mother”.

I sighed “I can't believe she's alive” I said “well there's some other bad new, Pan is back” I quick look up at Ariel “what” “yes, and your mother has her”. “How” I asked confused and shocked “well when everything went back to normal Pan wanted to find you so he came back here, thinking you were here. When he got here the Wicked Witch and your mother were here and took him”.

I sat there, thinking for a moment “so what, I don't care anymore” I said “I know, but he's change, he wants to be good again and he knows the only way for that to be possible is if he's with you”. “This is probable a trick of Pans knowing that I would come and save him” I said hanging my feet off the age.

“I don't think it is this time” Ariel said “what makes you think that” I said almost almost annoyed. “Because hes under a truth spell, from the Wicked Witch” Ariel said as I looked back at her a little shocked. “Fine” I said “but no one can know” I said “meet me back here tonight” I said getting up and walking back in the castle. When I walked in Robin was cleaning up as was my father while Snow picked up some clothes that were laying around and tried to hang them up.

I walked up to my father as he looked back at me “I think I'm going to clean my room” I said and went to walk back up the stairs. “I'll help” my father said “no, it is okay” I said as he went to join me then stopped as I walked back up the stairs and into my messy room. I started my picking up old books and dresses, laying the dresses on the bed before hanging them up. After that I started to dust things off and finally it was all done.

“Its starting to look like your old room again” I looked at the doorway and saw Charming leaning on it. I smiled “ya” as he laughed at me, at first I didn't know why until I looked down at my dress and saw that it was all torn and dirty. I laughed a little at it “I guess I better change” I said “ya” “I think I'm going to go to bed, we've had a long day” I said.

“Sure” Charming said, walking over to me as she hugged me and I hugged him back “love you” he whispered in my ear “love you too” I said against his chest. He pulled away with a smile that I knew was fake as he walked out of my room, closing the door behind him. I sighed as I opened up a chest and moved a few things around before finding some black pants, black top, and some black gloves that only went to the beginning of my fingers and thumbs.

I quickly changed and put my blond hair (that for some reason didn't change when the curse broke) up in a ponytail. I opened the window and crawled out of it, jumping out it and landing on the ground. Thank god for being a vampire. I ran over to the deck just as Ariel appeared “you have to show me where he's at” I said to her “how, the only way to see where Pan is, is by the water.

I thought for a moment “wait didn't awhile back Snow was able to turn into a mermaid by wearing some sort of bracelet” I asked. “You're right, I'll be right back” Ariel said swimming off some place before coming back and holding the bracelet in her hands. I took it and put it in, jumping in the water.

I looked down and saw that my hair was down and I had a purple and blue tale. I smiled down at it and swam behind Ariel as we swam to where ever Pan was held at. After a little bit of swimming Ariel finally stopped as we swam up to the surface in front of Regina's old castle.

“Hes up there” she pointed to a window with bars on it “Peter, Peter” Ariel yelled as he looked out the window and I smiled. Not realizing how much I did miss him until now “Star” Pan yelled down to me “Peter, I'm going to get you out” I called up to him as he looked behind him. “Come on” Ariel said and duck under the water as did I, I looked up and saw a green figure looking out the window. She disappeared and Ariel and I rose back up to the surface “was that the Wicked Witch” I asked.

“Yes” Ariel said “we have to help him” I said bobbing up and down “we can't do anything right now for him. Lets get you back before Charming and Snow find out your gone” Ariel said as I sighed still looking up at the window. “Okay” I said as Ariel dove under as I took one last look at the castle and dove under myself.

We swam to the surface as we appeared back at the castle, next to the deck. I jumped up so I was sitting on the deck and took the bracelet off as my legs came back. “Thank you” I said to Ariel looking down at her “I wish we could have done something” Ariel said “I guess I didn't realize that I still had feelings for Pan”. “Its okay to have feelings for him, he's a different person when he's with you” Ariel said.

I sighed “yeah, you better go before they find out you're here” I said standing up “okay, bye” “bye” I said as she swam off. I turned around and saw Hook standing on the deck looking at me “would you like to explain what who you want to go see” Hook asked me with a small smile.

Neverland's Heart (OUAT Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora