Who's it going to be?

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Schneider didn't return that night, luckily, as I spent it with Richard.
"I better get going," He says walking towards the door. "You know, in case people are wondering where I've gone."
"Yeah. Okay." I reply, wrapping the bed sheets around my body, the sun just beginning to shine through the glass panes.
Richard leaves the room and quietly closes the door behind him. I shut my eyes. What have I done? Fortunately, I've still only slept with one person, but I still cheated on Schneider.
Just then I hear a soft knocking at the door.
"Katja?" Schneider whispers. "Are you awake?" He opens the door and looks in to find me sitting on the bed.
"Hey." I tiredly whisper. "Where did you go?"
"I spent the night in the park. I felt a bit ridiculous after last night, but I was too embarrassed to come back and show my face." He says sitting down on the bed.
"Oh Schneider." I sigh.
"I'm sorry for leaving you by yourself last night." He apologises, cupping my face in his hands.
"It's alright." I reply guilty.
"No it isn't. Let me make it up to you today." He grovels.
"I said, it's absolutely fine. I get it." I say once more.
"Come on, will you let me? Bitte?" He pleads. "It will make me feel better."
"Okay then." I sigh. "You should be exhausted. Why don't you get some rest?" I suggest, gesturing towards the pillows.
"I think I'll do just that." He answers, kicking his shoes off and laying his head on the pillow.
"I... I've just got to go somewhere. I'll be back in a bit." I say giving him the bed sheets. He mumbles a sleepily okay, as he starts to fall asleep.
I quickly get dressed and head out the room. In the hallway I find Paul by Richard's door.
"Hey, morning Katja!" He calls out. "You haven't happened to see Richard, have you? He's not in his room."
"Oh, no I haven't." I reply. "I'll tell him you're looking for him however, if I see him."
"Thanks!" He smiles and heads back into his room.
I head downstairs and sit in the garden. The sun has just began to rise and the birds start to sing their morning chorus. I notice somebody sitting on the edge of the fountain, flipping a coin in their hand. Their black gelled thorns are unmistakable.
"Richard..." I sigh to myself. At that moment he looks over, stands up and walks towards me.
"Can I sit?" He asks.
"Sure." I shrug.
"Has Schneider turned up yet?" He chuckles, looking towards the horizon.
"Yeah, he came just after you left." I reply. "He's asleep now."
"Katja," Richard starts, turning to face me. "Whether you stay with Schneider or not is your choice, but I have to say one thing." He slips the coin into his pocket and takes out a cigarette, lights it and takes a drag.
"Since the first moment I met you, I realised you were different. I'm not going to tell you some typical love story, but how I feel about you is something I haven't felt in a long time. You're funny, gorgeous and just... so perfect." He looks away, towards the fields in the distance. "Just thought I'd put that out there."
I'm lost for words for awhile. I just sit silently. He continues to face away from me until I begin to speak.
"I-I don't know what to say."
"You don't have to say anything." He says, getting up and heads back inside the B&B.
I must have fallen asleep because suddenly in front of me I see Till.
"Hey Katja?" He queries. "Are you alright out here?"
"Yeah, I'm alright." I say sighing.
He frowns and shakes his head.
"No, no I'm not okay." I whail. "Everything is such a mess, Till."
"What's happening?" He asks.
I explain the situation with me and Richard and he sits quietly, I could almost see the thoughts in his head, he was concentrating so hard.
"Follow your heart." He eventually says.
[Who do you want Katja to choose? Thanks for reading up to this point, I'm so grateful ^•^]

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