Do I have a stalker?

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I wake up and remember yesterday.
Me, Anja and Paula went to the river and I saw Christoph. He gave me a ticket for their concert which is tomorrow.
Today we didn't have anything planned as Anja had to go to her school for a meeting, which I couldn't attend. Anja's mum suggested I should go for a walk around town.

I left the house wearing some tracksuit bottoms and the Rammstein T-shirt from the other day. I put my headphones on and walk down the street. Somehow my feet take me to the cafe where I came before and I order a coffee. I take it with me as I continue down the street.
Little did I know that someone was watching me from inside the cafe and decided to follow me...
I went to the river again and sat down on a log. I sipped my coffee whilst thinking about what I might wear to the concert tomorrow.

?'s POV
I see her come into the cafe and order a drink. She stands with her hands in her pockets whistling a tune. She's listening to some music and I notice she's wearing the top we all signed. She takes her drink, pays and walks out. I get up and follow her, intrigued to see where she goes.
She walks down the street, takes a right, then a left and walks through the woods.
I remember coming here as a child and once I bumped into Christoph, that's how we got to know each other. Now he comes here most days. He finds it peaceful here.
I hide behind a big oak tree and watch her. She is bobbing her head up and down to the music and takes a sip of her drink. She then takes her headphones off and listens.
"Isn't it peaceful here." She says to herself.
I watch her for a bit longer until...
Damn it.

Katja's POV
I hear twigs snap behind me and turn around. I don't see anyone but I still call out "Who's there?"
Nobody replies and I turn around to face the river again. Just then, someone joins me on the log. I turn to face them.
"Richard!?" I exclaim.
He puts his hand over my mouth to quieten me. "What're you doing here?" I ask.
"Come" He says, talking hold of my hand and walking off, the way I came.
We end up in a clothes shop. I realise he's still holding my hand and shake it off. He looks at me curiously but doesn't say anything about it. Instead he says "Pick an outfit."
I ask confused "What for?"
"The concert" he replies.
I look around the store and pick; a black skater skirt, a black leather jacker with studs on the shoulders, and black lace up heels.
I take the clothes to the changing rooms to try them on and Richard waits outside. I put the jacket on and am in the middle of changing into the skirt, when Richard pokes his head round the curtain. I quickly hold the skirt in front of me to hide my half naked self, my bare legs showing more than they should.
"Hey! I'm not ready yet." I squeal.
"Sorry" he grins and closes the curtain again.
At least I was quick to cover myself, I think to myself.

Richard's POV
I poke my head round the curtain and see her scrambling to cover herself with the skirt, I didn't see anything, until I noticed I could see the back of her in the mirror. My cheeks feel hot and I chuckle to myself. She has a nice ass, although not as nice as mine.

Katja's POV
I take the clothes to the checkout and search my bag for my purse but Richard is too quick. He pays for the clothes before I've even found my purse.

Richard walks me back to Anja's house and I say goodbye to him.
"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" He says walking away.
"Of course" I reply.

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