Meeting the others

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Schneider had rang the other band members earlier and we had arranged to meet them at a pub in the outskirts of town at 7pm. Flake and Ollie said they couldn't make it, so it will just be Schneider and I, Paul, Richard and Till.

Schneider comes into the living room and sets himself down beside me, on the sofa. He looks over my shoulder to see what I'm looking at.

"You're always looking at magazines, and if it's not clothing ones, it's always riding magazines." He sighs, grabbing the book from the coffee table, flicking through it to find the bent corner, where he finished reading last.

"Can't you ever read a book?" He puts his glasses back on and lies back against the back of the sofa. I rest my head on his shoulder and place my feet on the arm rest, which he tuts at, but says no more.

"There's never any good books." I mumble, covering my face with the magazine.

He jabs me in the waist with his elbow, causing me to squirm which he takes to his advantage. He pins me down onto the sofa, whilst keeping a finger in the book, holding his place. He quickly bends the corner down, places it on the coffee table along with his black rimmed glasses. He then looks at me, a small smirk forming at the corner of his lips. I wriggle around trying to escape from under his hold, but he's way too strong. He proceeds to tickle me on my waist and under my chin. His face is so close to mine that I feel his breath on my nose.

Just then, the phone rings. He slips off the sofa and strolls over to the phone, which he answers.

"Hello? Oh, hi Richard. Yeah. Yes, ok. Bis bald." He puts the phone back down and comes over to the sofa once more, lifting my feet up to make room for him to sit down. He then places my feet onto his lap before he continues.

"Richard said that the pub is having an 80s night tonight. He said we have to dress up." He sighs.

"Really?" I say, grabbing his hand and pulling him off the sofa. "We've got to find a costume!"

Schneider groans, but obediently follows behind. We head into the bedroom. He flops down onto the edge of the bed and I walk towards the wardrobe, throwing the doors open. I push through all the clothes on hangers, trying to find an appropriate attire for both of us to wear tonight. I pull an outfit out and hold it up against him. There's a black and gold jacket, with leather black trousers.

"What do you think?" I ask.

"Who am I supposed to be?" He moans.

"If you just pair this with a pair of boots and a pirate hat, I think you'd look perfect!" I exclaim, looking through the drawers to find these items.

"I'm not going to have a pirate hat just lying around." He says smiling.

"But I might." I laugh.

"Why do you have a pirate hat?" He questions.

"You never know, it may come in handy." I reply.

"Like now, you mean?" He says, coming over to me.

"Who are you going to make me be anyway?" He asks again.

"Adam Ant." I giggle.

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