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I open the front door and the drizzle of rain blows into the hallway. Schneider comes to my side, zipping up his waterproof coat.
"So, any ideas where to go?" He asks.
"I know just the place." I reply, taking his hand and heading out the door. We stroll, hand in hand, along the seafront as the early morning sea breeze calms our minds. We head for a tiny café, at the edge of the promenade. We head inside, taking a seat at one of the tables. Taking of my drenched coat, I breathe in the sweet smell of hot chocolate.  I take a while to decide what I want to order, gazing at the long lists of food and drinks available to consume. In the end, I go for a hot chocolate and a veggie English breakfast.

"What are you having?" Schneider asks, setting down the book he had been reading.

"Hot chocolate and the veggie English breakfast," I say smiling. "What do you fancy?"

"I think I'll have the currant bun and a cup of tea." He says, taking off his glasses.

"Oh, come on! You've gotta be a little adventurous. Have you even had an English breakfast before?" I laugh.

"No- no, I don't think so." He says, beginning to grin.

"Good morning," A smiling waitress comes over to our table, notebook in one hand, pen in the other. "Do you know what you guys want this morning?"

"Yes, I think we do." I say happily. "We'll be having two veggie English breakfasts, and a cup of tea, and a cup of hot chocolate, no cream please."

"Alrighty. It'll be about 15 minutes, is that alright?"

"That's fine, thank you." I notice Schneider looking at me, on his face is an expression of content.

The waitress goes behind the counter once more, and heads into the little kitchen at the back of the café. I turn towards Schneider again and he smiles before he says, "Why did you order me a veggie breakfast?"

"Because I can't stand meat near me." I say grinning.

"What do you want to do for the rest of the day?" Schneider asks, taking my hand from across the table.

"Let's go to the amusements on the pier, and maybe after, we could meet up with the rest of the band." I say looking out the window, the pattering of rain outside somehow makes me feel safe to be indoors.

"That sounds like a good idea, but are you sure you want to go out with the others? You know- after what happened last time?" He asks looking concerned.

"I'm sure. Everything will be fine, I promise." I reply, smiling.

Just then, the waitress appears out of the kitchen and comes over to our table.

"There you go guys, two veggie English breakfasts, a cup of tea and a mug of hot chocolate, without cream. Is there anything else I can get you?" She asks.

"No that's everything." I say.

"Thank you." Schneider says.

The waitress disappears again and we two are left alone.

"There's so much food." Schneider says, looking at the big plate in front of him.

"I know," I laugh. "Isn't it great?"

We tuck in, and I watch Schneider's face as he eats all the different types of food on his plate.

"Stop staring," He says frowning. "It's making me feel uncomfortable.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I can't help it, you're just too cute." I say, squeezing his cheek.

I met Rammstein? Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora