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I sigh. Tomorrow I go back to England. I don't know what will happen between me and Christoph once I'm gone.
I get up and get dressed. Today we're going to watch a German film at the cinema. I decide to wear some acid wash jeans and my Rammstein spaghetti strap top. I put on minimal make up and leave with Anja to meet with the rest of our school's group. We walk to the cinema and queue up. We end up sitting in the middle of the cinema and I end up with two empty seats next to me. I put my bag on the seat next to me and get more comfortable.
As the film is starting someone moves my bag off the chair and sits down next to me.
"Oh, I'm sorry." I say.
The person takes my hand and I slap them.
"Ow, Katja!"
What? Christoph?
"Oh, Christoph! I'm sorry" I say and kiss his cheek where I had hit him.
I hear a familiar laugh and squint to see Richard sitting next to him.
The film starts and I lay my head on Christoph's shoulder and he wraps an arm around my back.

Once the lights turn back on I quickly pull away, not wanting my teacher to see me. Christoph gets the idea and smiles goodbye to me, with Richard following behind.

We head back to Anja's school and we have some lessons. They're quite interesting, although I only understand about half of what's being said.

Once we get back to Anja's, I decide to start packing, as we have an early flight tomorrow. I sigh sadly when I pack away the T-shirt they all signed for me. Then I remember I have one of Christoph's shirts but I don't have time to return it now. I put it in my suitcase and zip it up.
I reluctantly clamber into bed and close my eyes.
I dream of walking up to the aeroplane, tears welling in my eyes when I feel a hand on my shoulder. Christoph is standing there. "I couldn't let you leave without saying goodbye." He smiles wryly. Then he kisses me.

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