Guten Morgen

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I wake up curled in Schneider's arms. I look up at him and see him smiling at me.
"I thought you'd never wake up." He says teasingly.
"Of course I would, silly." I smile.
"Come on," he says patting me on the head. "You'd better get going home."
"Five more minutes." I plead.
He sighs. "Fine." He laughs.
He holds me tightly and I feel his breath on my face. He places a kiss on my forehead and gets out from under the covers. I shiver as the cold draught swirls around me. He sees me shiver and suddenly pulls the duvet off the bed.
"Hey! I'm cold!" I shriek.
He wraps the duvet around his body and runs down the corridor.
"Stop! Wait!" I call out, jumping out of bed and running after him.
He runs into the kitchen and looks in the fridge. I walk over to him and snuggle inside the duvet with him. He gets out some jam and butter and places them on the counter. He then gets some bread and puts it in the toaster, but as it's difficult to walk around, we end up looking like waddling penguins. We walk over to the sofa and lie down. Christoph switches on the TV but looks bored by all the English shows.
"Wait, put that on. Because of you, I missed it last night." I say teasingly. He stares at the screen, seaming totally uninterested by the programme, but smiles at me, seeing me enjoying it. The toast pops up and he leaves the bundle to go and get it.
He comes over to the table with two plates, toast and jam on each. I waddle over to the chair and we tuck in.
"Hmm... This jam doesn't taste like my normal jam... But it is quite tasty." He contemplates.
He looks serious, his brows furrowed in concentration. I can't help but start laughing. He looks up from the newspaper, his glasses on the tip of his nose, making him look like some kind of teacher. This just makes me laugh harder.

I walk into the bathroom with a pile of clothes under one arm and my toiletries in the other hand. I get changed into a black and white T-shirt, acid wash jeans and a frayed cardigan. I put on my black tattoo choker too. I then start on my makeup, black winged eyeliner and dark red lipstick. I pull my hair into a ponytail and take a look in the mirror. I think I look alright and walk into the living room where Christoph is on the phone. As I walk in, he hangs up and turns to face me.
"You look beautiful as always." He says, a little bashfully.
I smile and give him a hug. He wraps his arms around my back and says I should get going. We walk to his car and we get in the front. He puts some music on, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and tells me about how he thinks Chad Smith is a great drummer. We start singing along to the song, and he says something unexpected. "You really do have a lovely voice." He says whilst watching the road.
"No I don't." I say embarrassed.
"I'm serious," he says smiling. "You should come along to our band practice this afternoon."
"I'd love that." I say as we pull up outside my house.
"See you later then." He says giving me a kiss on the cheek.
"See you." I say and reluctantly get out the car. I stand on the pavement and wave as he drives away.

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