Sinking Into Insanity... Chapter 6: New Beginnings

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"Sure, we can start off like that," I replied with a fake grin, gazing into her lovely eyes. As long as I can be with you.

Alex threw me a sour look. "Can we talk?" I looked at him and nodded my head. I glanced back at Trin and she just nodded at me with a small smile.

"What the hell do you think you are doing taking advantage of this situation?!" he throws me to the wall and traps me with his muscular arms.

I suddenly feel self conscious at our close proximity. I turn my head away from his intense stare.

"I love her," I softly whispered blushing, but not because of those three simple words that held so much meaning, but of the fact that I had suddenly noticed how handsome this stranger really was.

His silky-looking sandy blonde waves were swept back to reveal his sparkling stormy grey eyes, they twinkled with a mischievous glint, the corners of his full enticing lips twitched up into a smirk. "Why are you getting all shy now?" he chuckled and I could feel his unbelievably soft lips against my neck, I shivered.

"Don't mess with Trinity," he warned and I could hear the threat in his voice. He slightly nipped at my neck, I let out an audible gasp. Somehow, it felt so right, yet I knew it was so wrong. Wait, I'm not becoming bi... am I?!

He left me with a tiny smirk, damn him, what was he doing to me? My legs buckled. I stayed in that position, my hand on my neck. I could still feel that hot sensation on the nape of my neck, I had just let a man give me a hickey, oh god!

Trinity's POV

My head was throbbing and searing with pain. What the hell happened to me? I laid my head against the hard pillow and welcomed in the sleep.

Landyn's POV

I checked over my bags once more. I was now boarding the plane, good bye Chicago. And good bye to my dear love, Trinity.

I quickly found my seat by the window and dazed, ignoring the awkward woman beside me.

As I looked at the beautiful night sky I was reminded of the lake and Trinity. I needed space, and time, but I don't know if I'll ever come back. I ran a frustrated hand through my original blonde hair.

I remembered the conversation I had over the phone a few nights ago with Tristain. I was now going to model, a reason why my hair is blonde again.

I gazed at the beautifully lit lights of Florida. I felt a longing, a need to hold her protectively in my arms.

Landyn! Quit thinking about her, this is a chance to restart you life and date a hot model, my conscious screamed. But I can't and will never forget her! There was a raging war inside my head.

The only reason why I took Tristain up on his offer was because I need some time and space. Hopefully modeling will help me ease my stress.

Once the plane had landed I was in a slight daze, everybody I looked at looked like Trinity, but I knew she would never be here with me.

I pulled out my Iphone 4S to call Tristain, "Tristain, I'm here at the La Vida airport," I spoke.

"What do you mean you're not picking me up!?" I shouted outraged. I earned a few curious and annoyed looks and glances. I gave a woman my lady-killer smile and she immediately blushed and looked away. I had that kind of an effect on girls if I just fixed up my appearance.

"Then who the hell is picking me up?!" I growled. I glanced around looking for a girl with black hair and thick glasses.

I strode over to her lugging my stuff behind me.

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