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"What is it?" Taehyung said when Jungkook stopped talking. He looked like he was thinking. Jungkook then looked at Yeri. Yeri stunned. Okay this is awkward. Things get more awkward when Jungkook got up from his seat and walked towards Yeri. He smiled and asked her to get up, holding out his hands to her. Yeri bit her lips and grabbed his hands while standing up. All of them looked at them with confused face.

"If you hadn't notice, me and Yeri are dating." he looked to the members and the girls.

"Awwwwwwhhhh that is so cuteee..."

"Why do I feel like a proud mother?"

"I'm crying..ㅠㅠ"

"I knew all along.."

"No, you didn't."

"I had no idea.."

Jungkook and Yeri smiled at each other.

"This calls for a celebration.."

"Yeahh.. Now we have three couples in the squad.. Not that I'm counting but..."

They started eating and enjoying their dinner with the new incredible news.

"I cant believe they were so cool about it.." Jungkook said when they were walking around the school after the dinner. Yeri hugs his arms and they walked through the beautiful starry night under the moonlight together.

"Yeah.. I didnt expect that either. I thought they were going to freak out."

"Me too.." he said and the sat on a bench. Jungkook looked at Yeri.

"But I'm glad we told them." Yeri turned to him when he said that and she smiled meaningfully.

"Yeah.. me too.. But why didnt you tell me earlier?" she asked. "I could've prepared myself."

Jungkook smiled and grabbed both of her hands in his.

"I just wanted to surprise you too. And after what happened backstage, I guess I should make it clear that YOU already have ME." he said flicking her nose lightly. She scrunch her nose as a response.

"I knew you were jealous." she said and giggled at his pouting face.

"Of course I did. How can I not when you are being paired up with other guys other than me? And what is it with this crush you had on that boy?"

"He's older than you, Kookie.." she said and chuckled making him cleared his throat.

"Whatever." he said and tried to get up but Yeri was quick enough to pull him back down to sit again.

"Hey.. that was few years back. I'm over it long ago. You fill up my head, mind and heart until there was no more space for any other guys in here." she said and he tried to hold back his smiles.

"You're smiling. I know you are.." she said and she tickled him until he laughs.

"Okay okay.. Stop stop!" he said and hold her hands tightly. "That was the cheesiest thing you've ever said to me and I dont think I could get use to that.." he said and he laughed again.

"Dont have to.. Cause I'm not saying anything like that, ever again."

"Awwwhhh whyyyyy notttttt?" he whined and made a pouty lips, trying to lure her into giving up to him. Yeri didnt let him get to her and just stayed still without saying anything and just smiled.

"If you keep doing this then I'm not even gonna say I love you anymore." and that made Jungkook stopped instantly. Yeri laughed at her boyfriend's cute reaction.

"Anyways... I'm really glad we finally came clean about this. You have no idea how much it troubles me."

"Why?" he asked, looking at her.

"Do you know how hard it is for a girl not to tell her bestfriend about her super secret boyfriend?" she said and Jungkook frowned, not understanding.


"Let me just tell you this.. Its never been done." she pulled her hands away from him. "And besides, I hate seeing Jennie gushing over you. Sometimes I feel like taking her eyeballs out of her head everytime she lay her eyes on you."

"Okay. That must be really hard. But you nailed it, right? And you didnt do anything to her either." Jungkook smiled and pulled her hands again.

"Yes because I'm a super nice and super toleratable girlfriend you could ever find on this earth." she said.

"And I'm glad you're mine.."


Seulgi was trying to catch up with Jimin. She was already loosing her breath to keep up with his pace that was so fast.

"Jimin, wait up.." she said, still trying to catch him.




"Will you please stop walking so fast? I'm tired." she said and stopped when Jimin stopped.

"Why are you following me?" Jimin said.

"Jimin... I thought we're over this jealousy thing."

"No. Not until you tell me who you were talking to so slowly." he said makinh her sighed.

"Its no one."

"Are you cheating on me?"

"Jimin... No. I wouldnt do that.."

"Then why dont you tell me who it was?"

"Its no one. It was just a prank call." she said trying to make him understand.

"Then why did you whisper? Dont lie to me. I could accept you being lovey dovey with Gikwang hyung in front of me, but if you dont tell me this, I'm not gonna talk to you until you do." he said and dashes away. Seulgi sighed.

Now what am I gonna do?

a/n: i stole two lines from jonas LA. I hope you forgive me 😌

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