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The meeting with the dancers was scheduled at 11. Jimin and Seulgi was so nervous, they didnt come out of the practice room since they arrived at the building. They were busy preparing themselves and polishing everything that needs to be polish. They did this, change that, took this, spin that, EVERYTHING. Until they were really satisfied with everything.

"I wonder how the meeting will go. I want to know who the dancers are."

"Yeahh.. I heard that they are those famous dancers. But I dont know who." The girls were talking about it in the cafeteria and then suddenly a girl came in running towards a group of girls beside their table, panting hard.

"Guess who I saw walking to the principal's office just now?" she asked with a shocked but thrilled face. Her friends looked at her curiously and she looked around before getting near her friends and whispered to them. All 3 of her friends' eyes widened and they looked at her in disbelieve.

"Whatttt?!?!" Lisa said loudly. Then she quickly get up and the other girl followed behind her. Somehow, with Yeri's sharp ears, she could hear what the girls were saying so she had her eyes widen too.

"What's wrong?" Irene asked her. When she told them, they, too had their eyes widened. Then they quickly got up and left the cafeteria.

"Jungkook ahh! You should reeeeeaaaaaaaally stop doing that. Its making me dizzy." Jin said when Jungkook kept doing the tumbling. Its been 20 minutes and they were all going crazy with it.

"I need to get this work. I dont want to embarrass myself again." he said.

"Okay. We understand, but please for 10 minutes." Jungkook ignored Hoseok's words making the older annoyed. Then suddenly the door burst open, shocking the boys. Taehyung who was with his headphone, heard it too so he raised his head. Jungkook was surprised, he almost fell off. Oops! He already did.

"Ouuu." he whined. Yeri was shocked, she quickly ran towards him.

"Are you okay?" she asked him and Jungkook pouted.

"It hurts.." he said, whining cutely.

"Sorry.. I'm sorryy.." she said and tried to ease the pain by rubbing his arms.

"Told you to stop." Hoseok said, and he rolled his eyes at Jungkook. Jungkook pouted at Yeri.

"Whats wrong? Is everything okay?" Taehyung asked when he saw Irene's worried face. He didnt really care what happened to Jungkook since Yeri was there but he couldnt help but worry when he saw Irene's worried face. The boys looked at Irene and Yeri helped Jungkook to stand up. Jungkook looked at Yeri when her face changed. The boys looked at the girls one by one. Sooyoung and Wendy didnt say anything and just looked at each other.

"What is it?" Taehyung approached Irene. He didnt care if the boys find out about them this way because seeing her so worried, hurts him so much, eventhough he didnt know why she was worried.

"We have a problem." Irene said. The boys waited until she finishes her words. Then of course, with the same expression everyone had, the boys looked at each other.


Jimin and Seulgi was still trying to perfect their moves before the dancers came. It was almost 11am and their nervousness were over the top. Jimim tried to remain calm when he saw Seulgi was nervous to death. He didnt want to worry her if he show her that he was nervous too.

"Dont worry. They already saw our demo right? I'm sure they'll like it. And besides, we worked our butts off for this. If they say something bad about it, I'll make them eat the cd." he said making Seulgi giggle. Good thing that worked. Seulgi took her deep breath and smiled at him. She approached him and hugged him tight.

"Thank you." she said and closed her eyes when Jimim strokked her hair.

"Your welcome." he smiled then Seulgi let go and took a deep breath again.

"Okay. Lets do this!" she said making him grinned to his ears. Then the door was knocked from outside before Ms.Go popped her head inside.

"Are you guys ready?" Jimin and Seulgi nodded and smiled.

"I'll call them."

Few minutes later, the principal came in with Ms Go. Jimin and Seulgi smiled sweetly to them.

"How are you guys?" the principal asked.

"We're good. Never been better." Jimin replied.

"Okay then. Shall I invite them in?" he asked and Jimin and Seulgi nodded.

"Sure." Seulgi replied. The moment the guests stepped their foot inside the room, Jimin froze. Seulgi's eyes widened. Both of them were speechless.

"Jimin ahh!!" Taehyung ran in with all of the others with him. Then they stopped when they saw that they were late. They already met each other. Again. After three years.

"This is not good." Jungkook said when he saw Jimin's face.

"Ermm.. dont mind us. We're just leaving." Since they know no one was allowed to be there, and the stare they got from Ms.Go, they quickly excuse themselves.

"Omg.. I'm going crazy."

"I just hope he'll be okay." Yoongi said.

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