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"Seulgi!" Seulgi heard her name when she was walking down the hallway. She turned around to see Yugyeom running towards her.

"Hey.." she said.

"Heyy.. What happened last night? I saw you running away. I didnt have your phone number so I couldnt call you." Yugyeom said.

"Oh... Omg I'm so sorry, Gyeom ahh.. I totally forgot about it. I had something I need to settle so I was kind of in a hurry. Sorry I didnt tell you and just run off like that.." she said and her face shows that she was really apologetic.

"Its okay. I was just worried." he said and Seulgi smiled.

"I'm fine.. So you wanna go lunch together? I'll buy you something as an apology." she said and raised her brow.

"Yeah sure. That'll count." then they walked to the cafeteria together.

"What are you looking at?" Taehyung asked, eating his ice cream. He looked at Jimin weirdly and turned to the direction Jimin was staring at. Then he raised his brow.

"You jealous?" he asked and Jimin looked at him.


Taehyung shake his head, patting his friend's shoulder before walking away. Jimin was still staring at the direction Seulgi and Yugyeom went eventhough they both are not in sight anymore. Then he followed Taehyung.

"I didnt know...... Wait..." Yugyeom approached Seulgi's face. They were dangerously close. It was almost like they were kissing. Yugyeom touch her hair softly. Then he move back.

"There's a leaf on your head." he said. Seulgi let out a soft breath she didnt know she was holding and then she smiled.

"Hey guys." Both Yugyeom and Seulgi turned to the voice. They saw Sana and Jimin walking to their direction. Seulgi's heart broke when she saw them together. Jimin's face was so serious, making her feel attacked. The way Jimin looked at her was like he was going to eat her alive.

"Hey.. We were just going to the practice room." Yugyeom said and Sana nodded.

"We are too. Lets go together!" she said and took Seulgi's hand in her and pulled her to the practice room. Seulgi was so surprised, she didnt have time to stand properly and got dragged to the practice room. Jimin and Yugyeom then followed behind. When they arrived at the practice room, Jimin walked toward Seulgi and Sana. Seulgi just ignored him because she thought he was going to talk to Sana.

"Sana." he said. I knew it.

"Yeah?" Sana replied.

"Can I talk to Seulgi for a moment?" Since Sana was still holding Seulgi'e hands, she laughed. Then she let Seulgi go and smiled.

"Yeahh sure.. Sorry I took her." she said still smiling. Seulgi who was still confused, just followed Jimin when he gave her the signal.

Seulgi stared at Jimin without saying anything. She missed that face. She wanted to touch him but she knew she wasnt allowed to anymore.

Jimin took a deep breath and sighed.

"I didnt know you're dating Yugyeom." What? Seulgi's eyes widened.


"Aren't you?" he raised his brow.

"Where in the world do you get that idea?" she asked, laughing, trying not to burst out in anger.

"Aren't you?"

"NO Jimin. No. How do you even have the idea to think that?"

"I dont know. I always saw you two together and I assumed that......"

"Right... You ASSUMED.." she stressed on the word.

"I dont really like seeing you with him."

"Should I care about what you like?"

"Of course. I'm your....."

"Boyfriend?" she laughed.. "If you would start acting like one then I wont even consider talking to another guy, let alone spending time with him. But since you're so busy with god-knows-what then I guess you dont really care about what your so-called-girlfriend do.." she backlashed him making Jimin surprised. Well there you go. Kang Seulgi's original self is coming back.

"And what was that hugging I saw near the lake yesterday? You're not the one who is supposed to be mad right now, Park Jimin."

Seeing Jimin couldnt reply to whatever she said, she became annoyed.

"Whatever.." she said while rolling her eyes, and stepping away from him, getting back to the practice room.

They practiced another dance steps for another song that will be for the second stage. And since they had to do another stage that will show their chemistry, Sana and Jinyoung decided to dance to 'Can I have this dance?' from High School Musical 3, which is Sana's favourite song.

"I've never done waltz before." Jinyoung said and he scratch his head in embarrassement.

"Its okay.. We'll guide you. But its really simple so you'll get the hang of it in no time." Seulgi said. Then she turned on the music before approaching Jimin who was standing at the side of the room. Jimin was kind of surprised when Seulgi approached him because he was expecting her to teach Jinyoung one on one so that he understands. But then again, he was glad that Seulgi take his hands. And they showed the dance to the crew.

(a/n: i'm a HSM trash btw excuse my fangirl mode...

p/s- Just imagine the dance is like this cause I dont really know other waltz that is more beautiful than this hehehehehehe)

When the dance ended, all the crews clapped their hands and again, Jimin and Seulgi stared into each others' eyes but quickly push away from each other when they heard the clap.

"Okay so its just simple and sweet. Thats all you have to remember. But you have to watch the steps cause sometimes people will step on each others' feet. So be careful." Jimin said and he asked the four of them to take their places.

"When the music starts, just do the waltz. Like we did."

"Can you dance with us together so that we could follow you?" Sana said.

"Yeah.. sure.." Jimin looked hesitantly at Seulgi and the girl nodded. The song played again and they started dancing one more time. At first, Jinyoung and Sana followed them. But through the halfway of the song, Sana stopped Jinyoung and they watched Jimin and Seulgi. Yugyeom and Mina stopped too.

"I dont really understand how they did that.." Jinyoung said.

"They just have the chemistry."

Dance with me || Park JiminXKangSeulgiWhere stories live. Discover now