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"Goodmorning." Ms.Go came into the class and the class greeted her back. She then looked at Jimin and Seulgi who was supposed to meet the dancers this afternoon. She realized that they werent looking so well.

"Are you guys okay?" She asked, pointing to them both. Jimin and Seulgi looked puzzled but they nodded, signing that they are okay. Ms.Go nodded but she's not convinced. Irene and Taehyung looked at each other with worried face.

A knock on the door brought the class' attention to the person there. Sana smiled and she entered with the rest of her crew.

"Come in.." Ms.Go smiled and gestured them to come in.

"Guys, this is the crew that Jimin and Seulgi are assigned to. You can introduce yourself." she asked.

"Hye guys.. I dont know if you guys remember me but I'm Sana Minatozaki. This is my friends. Park Jinyoung, Mina Myoi and Kim Yugyeom." the rest of them nodded and smiled to the class. Lisa looked at her with hatred. She never liked Sana since the first day they entered the school. She hated her even more when she was always the first in the school. Then came Jimin in Sana's life making the hatred grow even bigger. It got worse when Sana was the one who was chosen to go to the national team instead of her.

The class greeted Sana and her friends happily. While they were having a talk session and many of them asked Sana about the national team, Irene noticed something different about Seulgi. She wasnt talking and since the morning she was always out of the earth. Irene didnt get to ask her why she cried so bad last night so she didnt know what to do. Irene looked at Seulgi who was at the corner of the room, listening to her ipod and Jimin by her side writing something on his music book.

"Well since this is the first lesson for the crew with Jimin and Seulgi, I think they could do it here. I want to watch it." Ms.Go said and the class cheered. Seulgi was too busy taking care of her feelings to care about what was happening but Jimin's eyes widened.

"Oh shit.." he cursed slowly.

"Is it okay with you two?" Ms.Go asked and Jimin raised his head to look at the teacher. Then he looked as Seulgi, who clearly doesnt have any idea of what was happening. Jimin nudges Seulgi and Seulgi immediately pulls out her earphones.

"What?" she said, looking at the whole class.

"Are you two okay if I ask you to take the first lesson here?" Ms.Go repeated her question..

"Yeah sure.. Why not?" Seulgi said making Jimin's eyes grew even bigger. Seulgi stood up and approached the system and started adjusting the thing. Jimin just sighed and went along with the girl. When they got to places, Jimin looked at Seulgi but Seulgi tried to avoid his eyes. Since they need to look at each other, Seulgi tried not to show her awkwardness too much. So she took a breath before opening her eyes and stare into Jimin's eyes. Jimin smiled and he gave the que to start the song.

They smiled when the dance ended but then Seulgi saw Sana behind Jimin and her face changes immediately afterwards. She quickly pushes Jimin away making the guy frowned but he tried to control it when everyone else was applausing to them. Ms. Go loves it so much and she asked the class to clap louder.

"Eventhough I watched this for the second time already but its still so sweet and I love it very much." Eventhough it was just the first part of the choreography, Ms. Go was so proud of them making Seulgi worried about the other half. She and Jimin isnt on good terms again so a big problem might occur but she tried to ensure herself to be profesional and trust her guts.

"Okay.. I guess thats it for today. Class dismissed. If you guys want to stay and watch, you can but dont disturb them okay?" then she went out of the class and some of the students went out too including Lisa and her friends.

Jimin looked at Seulgi who just walked past his to take her bottle and drank it up.

"Seulgi.." he said, approaching her. She looked at him, while still drinking from the bottle.

"Are you okay?" he asked. Seulgi just nodded and put the bottle down.

"I think we should start from the top so that you guys could catch up." Seulgi said and she pulled Jimin to her. Jimin was kind of surprised by her action but then he smiled. They start the routine.

An hour later, they took a rest and Jimin walked to the system to set a new play for the dance. The other crew went out to look for some water so there was only Sana, Jimin and Seulgi there. Sana was still dancing to polish her moves. Then Jimin walked up to her.

"Need any help?" Sana stopped and stare at him. Then she smiled and nodded.

Seulgi watched them danced together in front of her eyes and she admitted that they have a strong chemistry in dancing together. Unlike her and Jimin. But eventhough she admitted that, her heart was aching inside and she didnt dare to watch anymore. So she stood up and went out of the class.

Seulgi walked straight to the toilet and locked the door. She leaned onto the door and took a deep breath before tears starts forming in her eyes.

"I guess I need to talk to him about this and get it over with."

Dance with me || Park JiminXKangSeulgiWhere stories live. Discover now