Chapter 29 - Trials.

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Today was the day.

Everything that had gone wrong in Raphael's life before he became who he was now was going to be to an end, with the trial's for those who betrayed him starting soon Raphael was happy.

"You are far too happy about this." Charlie grumbled, they were both still lying in bed except Charlie wanted to get some sleep while Raphael did not.

"I don't know how you are sleeping right now love, don't you know what day it is today?" Raphael said with a roll of his eyes.

"Yes I do love and I also know that we will be called up to the stands to testify at what is being said, we need to be well rested for that to happen." Charlie said sleepily, sometimes his mate got just a little to wound up on something.

Raphael saw the truth in that statement and settled back down into the bed, only to have arms wrap tightly around him. "Miss me?" Raphael said with a smirk.

"Hey I sleep a lot better when you are right here in my arms, I woke up as soon as you left." Charlie said, he then fell asleep.

Raphael looked at his sleeping mate and smiled, he knew that he was the luckiest person in the world, he kissed his mate on his cheek before snuggling into sleep himself.

They awoke together a couple of hours later and they had to get ready, the trials were set to begin in the next couple of hours.

"How much did he keep you awake last night Charlie?" Severus asked when they sat down to breakfast.

"Only about an hour, you?" Charlie replied.

"About the same, Tom is just too excited for this trial." Severus said but sent a fond look to his mate who was helping their son cook.

A couple of minutes later and everyone else joined them at the table just when the breakfast was finished being prepared. Everyone at the table looked a little tired and Raphael had to giggle.

"Don't tell me you were all up because of this trial." Raphael said with a smile as he sat down next to his mate.

"Of course we were, we are all too excited for this to happen." Fred said, everyone at the table nodded their heads in agreement.

"Yeah today everything they did will be shown for the world to see, and then they will be punished for it." Draco said, once more everyone nodding their heads in agreement.

They passed breakfast time with small talk of what they think they would happen at the trial, they were interrupted when a bell sound rang.

"Well, looks like its time for us to go. The prisoners have already been apparated to the Ministry and are awaiting their punishments." Tom explained, everyone nodded and they apparated to the Ministry.

"Can I help you?" The automated voice at the front desk asked.

"Yes we are for the trial of Albus Dumbledore, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Ginny and Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and Minerva McGonagall." Raphael said, the desk then scanned them to make sure they were on the list of those welcomed for that event.

"You are cleared to enter." The voice said, the group were the presented with visitor badges to show they were just visiting the building as well as what they were there for.

They then met Lucius. "I see you made it here on time, though you all look a little worse for wear." He said with a smile.

"We found it hard to sleep." Bill said kissing his own mate on the lips.

They then made their way into the room where they were sat in their specific seats. Those who betrayed him were having their trial at the same time, though their punishments maybe very different to each other's.

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