Chapter 12 - The Honeymoon.

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With the wedding and the bonding done, as was the wedding night, it was now time for the honeymoon.

Raphael and Charlie were in the great hall of Durmstrang saying goodbye to their family and friends.

"Be careful you two, with where you are going you know there is a chance you will see them." Fred said.

Raphael and Charlie wanted their honeymoon to be in England, Charlie did not want to go back to Romania after all the problems he went through there so they thought the only place was to go England. However the downside was that all of those who had betrayed Raphael were in England and that made it possible to run into them.

"Don't worry, even if they do see us they would not recognise me I look too different now. And Charlie wants nothing to do with them so he will only talk to them if he needed to." Raphael said.

Charlie was no longer a Weasley in two ways now, one he was disowned from the family and two he was married and bonded to Raphael now as well. This meant his name was Charlie Riddle.

"I know, but if a member of the Order hear your real name they will go to Dumbledore. He was the one who stole you and gave you the name Harry Potter, he will know who you are." Tom said to his son, he didn't want to lose the boy a second time.

"He won't remember any of that remember?" Raphael said, confusing those in the room.

"What do you mean Raphael?" Cedric asked.

"I mean that whatever spell Dumbledore used on all of you happened to him also. He was planning on a spell to wipe all memory of Raphael Riddle from the dark side of the war so no one would know I existed, however the spell backfired and wiped all memories of me from anyone who knew about me, including those on the light." Raphael explained, causing more confusion.

"Well that would be great but how do you know for sure that is what happened?" Severus asked, like Tom he could now lose their son for a second time.

"Because I looked up the spell not long after Charlie and I got together. The spell used was not meant to wipe memories from certain people but from everyone who had knowledge of thing being wiped. Dumbledore will know the name Riddle but only because he knew Tom Riddle." Raphael said.

"If you run into anyone you could question them about Harry Potter, see what they think of his 'disappearance'." Marcus said, the others nodding.

"Exactly." Raphael said.

"Don't worry I will look after him, nothing will happen to him." Charlie said, Tom and Severus both knowing that he would do anything to protect their son.

"We know son, but be careful yourself, you are family now and we don't want anything to happen to you, to either of you." Severus said, he knew he was being over-protective but that was his job as a parent.

"I know mother." Charlie said, he had been calling Tom and Severus mother and father for the last two months and it still sounded a little strange to his ears.

Tom and Severus came forward and hugged both of their sons, when they were done all of their friends hugged them also. This was then followed by a large group hug with Raphael and Charlie in the centre of the circle.

"If anyone is horrible to the pair of you just summon me, I will torture them into insanity." Bellatrix said. She felt very motherly to all of the younger boys and girls of the group, she had been pregnant once but the Longbottom family and Dumbledore had attacked them, she had lost the baby in the process. That is the reason they attacked the Longbottom family so viciously and tortured them into insanity.

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