Chapter 23 - Final Plan's and Spy.

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It was soon time for the final battle to begin, their spies in Hogwarts have found a Vanishing Cabinet within the Room of Requirement, this room could become anything you needed at the time and it also held many object's lost through the ages.

The Vanishing Cabinet's came as a mated pair which meant that there were two of them. The mate of the Hogwarts Cabinet is in Borgin and Burke's which is a shop within Diagon Alley.

"So what was the plan of getting into the school?" Bill asked, all of the Death Eater's and the Circlet of Founder's were gathered for a final go through of the plan so everyone was clear on what was going to happen.

"Getting into the school is easy. The Vanishing Cabinet is in the Room of Requirement, which will reveal itself when it is needed, the mate of this Cabinet is in Borgin and Burke's which is easily accessible to us. We all go through the Borgin Cabinet and we will come out of the Hogwart's Cabinet." Severus explained.

"Only a few people will be going in this way, a couple member's of the Death Eaters, myself and some of the Circlet will be using this method. Percy you will remain outside the ward's with the other's, you will break the ward's surrounding the school allowing the remaining forces to enter." Tom said.

"I will need to know all of the ward's before hand, I know most of those ward's have been in place for many years." Percy said.

"I figured that would be the case, here." Tom said before handing Percy an envelope. "This is from the Slytherin's, they were somehow able to learn every single ward around that place and sent this." Tom explained.

Percy opened the envelope and gasped. "There are some strong ward's but nothing special, a third year student would be able to bring down most of these ward's." Percy said shocked.

"But Dumbledore was always ranting..." George began.

"...That the ward's around Hogwart's..." Fred continued.

"...Were unbreakable!" Fred and George finished together.

"Well they are, only a couple of them are powerful and those are the one's placed there by the Founder's 1000 years ago, the one's placed by Dumbledore are weak and wouldn't keep a third year at bay. There are also a lot less ward's then I thought there would be." Percy told them, they were all shocked to hear this.

"So basically he is lying to all of those student's that they are safe from everything?" Raphael asked, that old man was getting worse with every new thing he learned.

"Basically? Yes." Percy said with a grim expression.

"Okay so what do we do when the ward's come down?" Charlie asked.

"Well Dumbledore will feel it when the ward's come down, once that happens he will assemble everyone for a fight in the Great Hall. We want the battle to take place outside, if we are inside when the battle begins there is a chance innocent lives will be lost. We need to lure then onto the large field behind the school, this way we know who we are going for." Tom explained, none of them wanted to hurt anyone who didn't do anything to them, this was the simplest way of doing so.

"Once there it is a free for all but make sure you don't kill anyone, we are going to capture and subdue not to kill anyone. This means no Killing Curse." Severus said, his tone promising pain to anyone who did not listen to him. The Death Eater's all nodded.

"Once everyone is down the twin's can be brought on the field, the Weasley family will get to see them at least once before they die." Raphael said with a smirk to Charlie, who returned the smirk.

"Then we can reveal ourselves right?" Cedric asked with a smile.

"Yes but we have to have an order, Raphael should go last but the rest of us need to know when to reveal ourselves." Marcus said, they all put their idea's forward to be listened to.

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