Chapter 13 - Durmstrang Attacked.

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The week's honeymoon in England was now done.

Raphael and Charlie spent the whole week mostly in Diagon Alley, there were many shops there that they wanted to look at more closely and not rush when they are there for school equipment. They even paid a visit to Knockturn Alley, it was a dark place and those who went there were obviously for the dark side of the war, but most had heard of the Dark Prince and knew he was special so they all left them alone.

The shops there interested the newly bonded couple, they weren't as evil as Dumbledore had led him to believe, then again there was a lot of things that Dumbledore made up. There were Seers, Apothecary's, Potions, Animals/Familiars and much more, it just looked like another Diagon Alley.

It was here that Raphael found his familiar. He had thought that Hedwig was his familiar but he had given her a choice to come with him or stay behind, she chose to stay with the light and so he knew she wasn't his familiar. He had told Charlie that his familiar could be in this shop.

When they entered there was many animals they were all in large, well kept cages and looked very well taken care of. There were some odd animals for pets like Lions, Tigers, Panthers, Bears and lots of Snakes.

It turned out that the animal destined to by his side was the symbol of the Hogwarts house that the Sorting Hat wanted to place him in first, a Snake. Raphael's familiar was in fact the most poisonous and the most feared snake in the muggle and magical world its name was the Inland Taipan, also known by the muggles as the Fierce Snake. Its poison is so strong it can kill a fully grown man in half hour to 10 minutes, it is a large snake but the colours around its body can change and blend it into any background making it hard to see the snake until it is too late.

Raphael remembered how the snake had said it was going to kill him and Charlie when they came to look at it, but Raphael told it they were not going to hurt to it and if it wanted to come with them. Let's just say the shopkeeper was shocked when not only were they both speaking Parseltongue, but when Raphael reached his hand in the tank and pulled out the snake without being bitten. No one had ever wanted the snake, this was also the Dark Prince and it seemed this was the boy's familiar so he didn't charge them.

When the week was over they apparated back to Durmstrang, but they got there they were in for a shock.

Durmstrang was close to rubble. Bits of the great castle were all over the hills and countryside, massive holes could be seen throughout the whole castle, scorch marks along the walls and some of the turrets were in pieces.

"Charlie what happened here?" Raphael began to panic.

"I don't know Raphael, but whatever did happen was an attack of some sort." Charlie said, and thought it hurt to say Raphael knew his mate was right.

"But who would attack a school?" Raphael asked.

"I have my suspicions, now come on we need to make sure everyone is okay." Charlie said, they ran to the castle and saw that the students, teachers and headmaster were all outside and away from the falling to bits castle.

"Headmaster, what happened here?" Charlie asked.

"Charlie and Raphael it is good to see you and I hope you enjoyed your honeymoon, we didn't want you to come and see this." Igor told them.

"It is good to see you too and it was a great time, but what happened here?" Raphael repeated.

"It was light wizards, led by Albus Dumbledore. They got word that Voldemort had a son, he thought the one school he would be taught at was Durmstrang as we are known to be mostly dark. He had both adults and children your age with him, they shot dangerous spells and stunners, when they got someone they questioned them about you. We never told them anything, and denied any knowledge of having a Riddle in the school." Igor explained.

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