Chapter 3 - Talks of Betrayal and the Inner Circle.

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His family was amazing.

Raphael had been with his family for a month now and things were going great. Both his parents and Godparents were spoiling him, he grew close to all of his friends and their mates and he was becoming more powerful.

It seemed that since he was right where he belonged he had more power, when his new powers had began to show his parents took him aside to speak with him.

"Mom, dad. What's wrong?" Raphael asked, Severus preferred being called mum, he carried and birthed Raphael so he thought that it fit the situation, it did not bother Raphael at all.

"Nothing bad son. Have you noticed that your powers have increased?" Tom asked his son.

"Yes I have, happen about a week ago I think." Raphael said, he hoped he was not in trouble for this, he didn't want to disappoint his parents.

Severus saw the look. "You are not in trouble Raphael, we think we should tell you now." He said, looking sideways at Tom.

"Tell me what?" Raphael asked.

"You know that me and your mother are creatures, well that makes you one as well." Tom said, but Raphael stopped him.

"Yes I know, I will become a born Vampire because of it, I am fine with that." Raphael said with a smile, one that dropped when he saw his parents look. "What?" He asked them.

"Raphael, while the Prophecy about you as Harry Potter and defeating me was a lie and totally made up, there is a Prophecy about Raphael Riddle." Severus said.

Raphael didn't shout or get angry as they thought he would, but he did look confused. "What was it about? Do you remember what it said?" He asked.

"The son of the Potions Master and the Snake shall be great, with power of the elders. While parents of the night, he will be of the oldest creature known to all. With the truth in the open he will join his true family, when together no one will stand against them. Born with a mate the son shall find him, when together neither can separate. And the dawning of a new age will begin." Tom said, as he looked to his family.

"The son of the potions master and the snake is you Raphael. I am a potions master, and by all accounts Tom is a snake." Severus said.

"But what does the rest mean? It sounded like gibberish to me." Raphael said, he hated that about Prophecies, they were always spoken in riddles.

"I do not know what the powers of the elders are. The 'parents of the night' obviously means Vampires but the next bit says you will not be a Vampire. You will be 'the oldest creature known to all', that could mean a lot of creatures, no one knows for sure which is the oldest." Tom explained.

"With the line 'the truth in the open he will join his true family' that has already happened as well, you learned the truth of your birth and the lights betrayal. You joined us, who are your true family. 'When together no one will stand against them', that indicates that we are strong together and that as long as we all stay as a family then we can't be separated." Severus continued.

"The next bit 'born with a mate the son shall find him' that obviously relates to me again, but this time mentioning my destined mate, it says I will find him. 'when together neither can separate' that obviously means the bond, once mates bond they can never be broken unless one is killed. Good if you creature is immortal." Raphael continued.

"And the last part 'the dawning of a new age will begin', I think its saying that with Raphael and his mate, as well as us, there will be a new time in the wizarding world." Tom finished.

"Well now all I have to do is find my mate. Great." Raphael said with a small smile.

"You won't, not yet. Your powers becoming stronger means that your creature inheritance is approaching, once you become your creature you will be able to sense your mate and he will be able to sense you as well. I get the feeling you are going to meet him very soon." Severus said with a smile. He remembered it took a while for him to find Tom, and he only hoped his son would not have to deal with that.

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