Chapter 21 - An Article and Preparing for a Raid.

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It had been a week since Charlie and Raphael had ran into the Weasley family and thing's were going well for the dark.

Melody and Jaden were still given gifts and doted on everyday, the Death Eaters all wanted to hold her at all times and the Grandparent's are always wanting to spoil them, as well as the uncles and aunts.

"So when is that article meant to come out?" Charlie asked. He, Raphael and the rest of the group were sitting in the living room, Tom and Severus were in their chamber's with the twins.

"It should be here any minute, we sent the letter last week so the finished thing should be out soon." Fred said.

"I can't wait to see what she has written, then once this is done we can finally go on a raid." George said with a smile, they had all been looking forward to the upcoming raid.

Right on cue screeches were heard from outside and owls came through the window, they all carried the paper for that day but the owl that went to Charlie dropped him a letter also.

Charlie opened the letter first. "What does it say?" Cedric asked.

"It's from Molly, she is trying to say sorry and that she want's me back in the family. They have a lovely girl who want's to marry me and she would bare lovely children, she is sorry for everything they have done to me and this is her way of making it up to me. She is saying she want's what is best for me and she think's Raphael isn't that, she will care for the twin's while I live with this new girl." Charlie said, this was a shortened version of the letter he held. Charlie scoffed and set the letter on fire.

"Is she really that stupid, we have told her many times that we are not returning to that family and that we are happy where we are. I don't know how that is hard to understand?" Bill said, the rest of the Circlet was shaking their heads.

"I guess she is, it is pretty straight forward." Charlie said, just then Severus and Tom walked through the door with a sleeping Melody and Jaden.

"We heard the owls so we thought we would come and read the paper with you." Tom said as he walked over to the couch, Severus sat down beside them and the twins were placed on their laps.

"You all spoil them." Raphael said looking at the twins and then around the room.

"Hey these are special children and deserve to be spoiled. Besides they are the next generation of the Marauder's so they have to be brought up as something special." Sirius said with a smile.

"With you, Remus, the twin's as well as some of the Death Eaters they are going to grow up to be prankster's." Charlie said with a grimace, they were bad enough and he didn't need his twin's adding to that mix.

With that said they all turned their attention to the paper they were all holding.

The Truth of the Light.

This reporter is shocked to be bringing this news forward. I have received letter's from member's of the Weasley family as well as some other's who wish to be anonymous, all of these letter's say the same thing.

The Light is not what we think it is.

Albus Dumbledore is the leader of the light and it has come to our attention that he has been keeping thing's hidden from everyone. Mr Harry Potter was not meant to be placed with his muggle aunt and uncle as they hate magic, Dumbledore ignored this and caused young Harry to be subjected to abuse (both physical and mental), look to the bottom of this article for medial records.

On top of this I have done some digging, this prophecy about Harry Potter and Voldemort never existed before Harry killed You-Know- Who, this prophecy only became a thing after Voldemort had already been killed. Does this mean Dumbledore knew Voldemort would rise again?

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