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30.12.17: 5

"IF YOU COULD change one thing about yourself what would it be?"

"my name, my generic ass name," eunha smiled and looked down real quick. "you?"

"i wish my metabolism was faster so i could eat more. and that my drinking tolerance was stronger," jaebum kept the list of things down. tomorrow was new years eve already and he had gotten mass tons of invites from all of his friends.

"maybe you should wish for some good luck," eunha tugged on the cuffs as she tried taking out her bun.

"maybe you should wish for a nicer personality," he joked around, dunked in sarcasm. eunha laughed and was happy that he still had the same sarcastic humor she did.

the two were somewhat loudly whispering in the public library. they were tired of staying huddled in jaebum's room, looking for answers on what the hell happened on christmas.

so far, all they had was that yes, unfortunately, they were both drunk that night. second off, they did not come up together, but they did come from the same place, an actual party. but, the two left separately, both back to their apartments eventually. eunha dipped to go with her own friends and jaebum eventually dipped because he got bored.

"this is hurting my head. none of this makes sense," jaebum sealed his lips closed as eunha was jotting down notes from the computer.

"all of these sound similar look," she showed him the screen. a bunch of people that did the same thing they did last night, staring out at the sky at 11:11 made a wish and blacked out. some made preposterous claims while others were more tame and valid to understand. otherwise, they all had the same experience. however, some of their "contracts" were much easier, like apologizing to an ex and spilling the truth.

"this one says they had a whole grand added on their bank account.." jaebum's interests were peaked when it came to the mention of money of course.

"and this one said that they had their crush finally take them out on a date, cute," eunha smiled at some of the simplicity of these wishes. what was more interesting was the fact that not only did they all black out. but each and every person had a notecard, eerily looking similar and with the initials, 'm.i.t.m'

"and all of the ones that made some sappy love wish had the initials of c.p."

"most of all, a lot of these little contracts had a deadline of till 11:11, that's only 24 hours to do all of these. so why do we have such an extensive one?" this time, the two pushed back their hair, stressing out of what the hell was happening. "this is actually scary, you have to be desperate for whatever you wished for to stay cuffed with me for a week."

"with you always calling me a jerk, i can say the same about you."

"trust me, it's our cats holding us together. i don't think i've ever seen greyson so calm about everything," eunha put down her notes and slouched a bit, tired of trying to solve the whole ideal, "do you think jinyoung would help us?"

jaebum choked on her words, "are you serious?"

"i mean, he's smart. witty. probably understanding. gives off a motherly vibe for some reason?" she listed off good qualities about jinyoung

"i mean, um," she was right. jinyoung would probably be able to help them. the only thing was that jinyoung is idealistic. not only would he make fun of jaebum for even making a corny wish at 11:11, but it would take a lot of time for him to grasp the idea that some 'thing' was granting wishes left to right all at once on christmas day. some kind of christmas miracle taken to another level. he'd rather just follow along than get other people involved.

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