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29.12.17: 4

        "DO YOU EVEN have any friends?" jaebum interrogated eunha as she gobbled down her food. it was the day after the movies and the two actually were able to crawl out of bed to have brunch.

        "i do, but they're more the party kind," she looked up, face still full of food.

        "and you're not?" he raised a brow. his response was laughed at as she pat her mouth with the napkin.

        " i tend to let my inner thot out during parties," she gave a teasing smirk, trying to see what reaction jaebum would get. jaebum started coughing at the comment. eunha shrugged and gave her actual serious answer, "it's just that i would rather focus on my education now."

        "so. han eunha. the girl who secretly loves to party, is quite feisty, loves her cat greyson, and her parents are in europe. han eunha, what else are you?" jaebum gave a subtle intimidating expression as he found himself yearning to know more about the stranger he had been cuffed to for four days.

        "im jaebum. back then, caught making out with a different girl every week behind the teacher parking lot because it seemed 'edgy,' picked up on a lot of fights at one point, ring leader. and he asks what i'm like? i'm flattered," she sipped her drink some more, boldly up showing him. although he may not remember it, she still remembered their little interactions in high school. and no, he wasn't a bully like a sappy korean drama.
"love-hate relationship with his cat nora, surprisingly incredible work ethic, loyal friends, almost a complete flip. so, my question. what else are you?"

        "hm, i didn't realize that  miss feisty caught me making out with people. guess i was quite the charmer, enough for you to come looking for me."

         because i was one of them, asshole.
         she exasperated at the comment, he really didn't remember her at all. in the end, jaebum was still in some ways the same.

        "what's your favorite color? favorite time of day? things that stress you out? hobbies? that's what i meant," he clicked his tongue afterward and laid back in his seat a bit as he finished his meal.

        "light blue and grey, light blue because it reminds me of a clear sky, sometimes the ocean, other times simply cotton candy. grey because i'm a fan of both black and white. but being the indecisive person i am, i settle for the midpoint. my favorite time of day is that transition of the evening to night, absolutely stunning. you stress me out, including the upcoming exams," she held up her fingers to keep count.

        while jaebum was still leaning back, she took a pill from her bag and quickly swallowed it. she wasn't fast enough as he saw her,"what are those for?"

        she chewed a bit of the side of her mouth, disappointed in herself she wasn't as sneaky as she thought she was. she usually took them during the 11:11 time period but she didn't get to it last night. "they help me.. move. move on i guess? to keep going? it's hard to explain."

        jaebum's eyes widened, he didn't take her as a someone constantly on anti depressants, or that's what he thought she was on. he brushed it off and thought of something to change the subject, "so you dance, right? that figures some things."

        "ballet, i used to do hip hopish things back then but my parents started to frown upon it," she singled the waitress over to pay. as she placed the check on the table she stared at the tv.

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