"We have to go!" Eliza was beside the guard that same moment. She kicked his gun away, he glared but it was over and he knew it. I pulled Fay along beside me as we left the warehouse. Of course they had slashed our tires so we had to leave on foot, or paw. My body remembered how to shift, but it was an uncomfortable process, like when you're sun burnt and you stretch and the dry skin cracks and peels. But once I was in my paws again, the rush of strength and freedom felt glorious! I wanted to howl in that very moment, my pride bursting at the seams.

Then the sweetest scent overcame me and hijacked my senses. She gazed ahead; her coat was white, with splashes of silver on her muzzle, a ring of it on top of her head, and the tips of her ears painted the same color. To be honest she had the style of a fox painted on a wolf's body, with her paws and tail tip being silver as well. But the aura surrounding her...

A snarl snapped me back to my senses. Lord. We had finally returned to civilization several towns away. As a giant wolf, covering miles and miles isn't much of a challenge. THE challenge was being kept away from my mate. We all hadn't officially introduced ourselves so he didn't trust anyone running beside him except Fay, who regained her senses. The rest of us ran on ahead; every now and then I tried slowing my pace to fall back and join them, but the Lord would warn me off with a growl. Did my mate defend me? No, she did not.

"Now that we aren't running for our lives, I'd like to properly introduce myself." Daniel bowed in the same manner he had when he first laid eyes on his leader. "I am Daniel Marsh, Beta to Victor Kertis. Do you remember him?" Alexander simply nodded, gazing around our room. We booked a few rooms in a small hotel, trying to keep as low of a profile as we possibly could. "I am honored to be able to pledge my loyalty to you in person, my Lord."

"What's so honorable about it?" He replied flatly. Eliza's eyes shifted from one male to the other.

"Lord, there are still those who follow you and what you stood for. We remember what you did for our people."

"You're pledging alliance to twisted tales that have been passed down and around from mouth to mouth. How much truth do you think remains in those words?" This is not quite what we were expecting. "And you.." His eyes locked on me. "Do you belong to the Kertis family as well?" My eyes unconsciously met with Fay's, observant to the max.

"No, I do not belong to any pack."

"Are you a rouge?"

"Of sorts.." I could feel heat coming of the relatives in waves. The resemblance of their gazes were uncanny.

"Answer my question, boy."

"My name is Lucas Milano...Fier." The pack members eyes widened but dared not move. Alexander quietly rose to his feet, his claws extended and his aura grew darker. Becoming submissive wasn't even in the equation, something in me itched to defy his authority.

"And you dare attempt to stand by my daughter?" He snarled. My jaws clenched and my fists followed.

"Don't judge me based on him." I tried not to lash out but my belly burned.

"You? Him? You're all the same! Traitorous, blood-thirsty mongrels! You don't deserve to even look at her!" Alexander growled.

"Says the man responsible for dumping this mess on her shoulders! She didn't even know you and yet she inherited the disaster you left behind! Don't act all high and mighty just because you're the Lord! You know nothing about her!" I snapped back at him. In the blink of an eye Alexander had his hand around my throat whilst my feet kicked in the air, his eyes an electric purple. Fear inched its way in me as I felt his rage.

"Alexander!" Fay jumped to her feet, yanking his arm down. He let go and I dropped to my feet in a coughing fit.

"You're defending this asshole?! Do you even know who he is?!" Alexander questioned incredulously.

"That asshole is my mate! That's who he is!" She stood between us with her arms stretched out as if she were blocking me from her father.

***Fay's POV***

What in the actual fu*k?! What could my "missing-for-longer-than-I've-been-alive" father know about Luke that I didn't?! Whatever it was, I couldn't keep watching this go on. As angry as I was with my mate, I just had to defend him. Alexander glared at him and I almost smiled to myself. This was just like the day I met Luke, except he was trying to kill me and my mom...

"Mom!" A surge of panic swept over me and Alexander 's rage died instantly.

"Your mother? What about her?" He grabbed my shoulders.

"We have to hurry and get back home!" How could I have lost focus?! "We have to leave-"

"We'll head out first thing in the morning. I've already called Victor." Daniel sat on one of the beds.

"No! We need to leave now!"

"Fay, everyone's exhausted. We need to rest or we won't have the strength to deal with what's to come." Eliza interjected, plopping down on the other bed.

"That's right. The closer you get to home, the messier things may get." Lucio chirped. I bit back a growl after noticing his presence. "It's good too see tempers finally cooling, you're all too intense for your own good."

"Then what would be left to entertain that twisted psyche of yours?" Alexander shot back cooly but there was a smile in his eyes.

"Excellent question..." The witch grinned before clapping his hands, "Bed time kids! Tomorrow we face maniacs with claws and teeth! Sweet dreams!" He bowed dramatically and in a puff of smoke, he was gone.

Hey!!!!!!!!!! Quick shout out to @storm-of-grace , dude, you're awesome. As are all of you peoples out there in the world. Just had to say thank you so much for reading but apart from that, just thank you for being alive! And I mean this from the bottom of my heart, you ALL matter and you are meant for so much!  I may not know who any of you are personally, but yes I still care about you! Souls are the most precious gift we have, and we have to cherish the light each one gives. "Who cares if one more light goes out in a sky of a million stars?" I do!

Rest in peace Chester...

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