Chapter 6

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"Where is Alex?!" Fluffy snarled, pacing back and forth.

"Could she be his daughter?!" Rapunzel's eyes grew wide as he studied me.

"Impossible, he swore he'd never have children." Fluffy scoffed at the man with beautiful hair.

"How old are you girl?" Rapunzel rubbed the scruff on his chin thoughtfully.

"What's it to you?" I could see Damien running down the street, Evelyn was a few rooftops away.

"Just answer the damn question you stupid brat!" Fluffy began storming up to me but I aimed for his face. He stopped abruptly, trying to roast me alive with his gaze.

"18." I replied not taking my eyes off of him.

"It is possible...What's your name?" Smalls was unreadable but nonthreatening. I narrowed my eyes unwilling to give that away.

"Enough of this! I don't care if she's his daughter or not!"

"Roman!" Smalls snapped at Fluffy who ignored him. The man charged full speed, quicker than I had anticipated.

"Duck!" I shouted at Luke who obeyed silently. Just as the man sprang, he shifted completely into his beast-like form. His giant paws sailed over head and I took advantage of his miscalculation, shooting him twice in his soft belly. The wolf whine and howled in pain as he crumpled behind me. The other wolves charged at Luke while Evelyn placed her barrel on the back of Smalls' head.

"Call them off before I put you all down." She spoke calmly but the promise in her voice was lethal. Andrea, Damien, and Thomas burst through a door from inside the building. Cleo climbed up from the fire escape.

"Nice to see you again Evelyn." Smalls kept his hands up. "Guys! Enough, let's go." He ordered while Luke was watching them all, making sure they remained at a safe distance. The wolves  reluctantly shifted back to their human forms.

"Thank you." She looked relieved but didn't stop aiming at the boy. They knew each other, but how?

"Strange seeing you protect a wolf." Smalls turned with light puzzlement.

"I have an invested interest in her."

"So it would seem, now I'll ask politely so you can't say I didn't. Hand her over please?"

"Your friend there is going to die if you don't get him some help soon." Fluffy, a.k.a. Roman, was lying in a pool of blood moaning in pain. He had shifted back to his human form and clutched his stomach.

"Hand her over."

"That sure looks painful." She continued with a false empathy.

"Daniel, let's go!" A woman knelt over Roman, trying to stop the bleeding as best she could.

"I'll be back for her." Daniel winked at me, "Pinky promise." He waved the little finger in the air. Pulling Roman's  arm over his shoulder, the two kicked open the door leading inside. As the others passed they sized me up, some thoughtful, others with distaste. I wanted to growl at them, they held my gaze easily, not feeling that I was an able body.

"Now what's piqued his interest?" Evelyn pondered after letting herself breathe again. She looked me up and down, "What did he tell you?"

"He was just asking about some guy, I don't know who he is though." I shrugged trying to play it off, praying to God that Luke kept his mouth shut about what happened.

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