Chapter 13

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Of course the cops questioned us and naturally, Sam and I told them everything. We heard a scream, came running, and called for help. After making sure we were ok, they let us go. I called Mom while I sat next to Sam in his car. After waiting for her mother hen mode to die down a bit, I let her know I'd stop by around 6.

Immediately upon arrival, Sam sat me down on his couch and covered me with a blanket before disappearing into the kitchen. I heard a series of noises and smiled, my anger slowly dying down. The whole ride after talking with my mom, I was ready to kill. My dad for leaving this mess for me, Victor and his pack for not being able to control the situation, and those Nightwalkers who are the cause of all of this in the first place. My hands were clenched in my lap, so tight my knuckles turned white. They all deserved to die in a whole. A dark, scorching hot hell hole.

"Fay." Sam cleared his throat, handing me a steaming mug of mint tea. I took a sip and sighed in pure bliss. Don't get me wrong, I love coffee, but tea is life! "You ok?" I nodded, taking another sip. A warmth spread through my whole body and I was finally able to relax.

"Thanks." Sam grinned and sat down next to me, pulling the blanket over himself too.

"So has the big bad wolf finally chilled a bit or should we go down to the basement?" I laughed and shook my head.

"I'm ok. It's just feeling a life leave a body like that...It all finally got to me." I admitted, staring down at my mug. "Seeing him like that, I couldn't help but wonder what if that had been Mom? Or the girls? Or you? Or-"

"Hey, it's ok. I'll be fine and your family too. You don't have to worry about that ok?" He hugged me, resting his chin on top of my head.

"You don't know that," My hands shook, "You never know what can happen, when you're in the wrong place, at the wrong time..."

"Fay..." Sam warned, knowing where this conversation was going. Even though it has been two years, the pain was still there. "You can't be worrying about that. I promise you, we'll be ok." He began playing with my hair and massaging my scalp with one hand.

"Ok." My eyes closed by themselves at the soothing feeling. "But really, can you imagine me as a Lord or whatever?" I laughed sleepily. "Those idiots really are desperate." I finished my tea, barely hearing Sam,

"Don't underestimate yourself so much." His voice seemed so serious and knowing? "Now! We have an hour and a half before you have to leave, game time?" I nodded with a grin, trying to wake up. In a single bound, he reached the remotes and bounced back. "Shall we go...Zombies?" I glared and slapped his chest. "Oww! I was just kidding!" We chose a map and began our slaughter. As a team, we were unstoppable, in perfect sync.

"Behind you!" I shouted. Taking out the first of a squad that came from behind. We played the whole time, coming out on top after every round. "Tonight we are victorious!" I sang at the top of my lungs. My alarm went off and I pouted, time to go. "Can you..." I began with a cheesy smile. Sam let out an exaggerated sigh as he stood up. "Thank you!"

"Come on!" I dragged him inside the house. Leanna spotted him first and squealed, taking a running head start before she leapt up into his arms.

"Bear!" She hugged him and he laughed, swinging her around so she rode piggy back style.

"How are you Lee? Being a good girl?" He looked over his shoulder and my little sister smiled sheepishly.

"Danny's at Grandma's, they're making cookies!" Leanna squeal again, kicking Sam's sides as if he were a horse. He obeyed and took off to the kitchen, Leanna's high-pitched laugher filled the air.

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