Chapter 19

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Bit of a longer chapter, but hope you still enjoy it!
I've got a song stuck in my head so I've been helping my family know my torture. #ReplayAbuse XD
I've got those Jet Pack Blues
Just like Judy
The kind that make June feel like September~

She kicked and screamed the whole way to our room. The moment I opened the door Fay bit my arm with a vicious growl. I didn't want to drop her, but it happened anyway.

"No biting!" I scolded her, slamming the door shut before she could high tail it.

"I told you to put me down!" She snapped, not bothering to get up off the floor, she just laid there.

"I told you to stop drinking before you made a fool out of yourself in front of everyone! I'm trying to help you!"

"I'm not drunk! And I never asked for your help! I never asked for any of this!" She rose to her feet and stalked toward me bristling. "Since the day I showed up in that church all you ever did was act like a royal asshole! What did I ever do to you?!"

He didn't answer, he looked away with mixed emotions strewn across his face. This sucked! My first time drinking started pretty good; I felt so awake and hyped up, contrary to most people's reactions. Though I couldn't tell you how much I drank, I felt perfectly fine...mostly.

"Say something!"

"You killed him! Alright?!" Luke exploded and I shut up. It wasn't the first time he yelled at me, but this was different. His face was pained as he closed his eyes and shook his head.

"What are you talking about? I've never..." Lie. "W...well there was that time in the massacre, those ghouls... B...but that's it!" I insisted feeling a bit sick to my stomach. Luke took two shaky breaths; the anguish of being torn in two was present in his green eyes.

"Wolves killed my brother. Those beasts tore him apart, lost in their bloodlust. Murderous machines, that's all they are." He looked broken and my heart felt crushed seeing him that way. "That's all I thought they were."

"That's why you wanted to kill me? That's why you hate me? Because of what I am?" It hurts, it hurts a lot. "Then why did you kiss me that day? Why have you been teasing me like this?"

"First of all, I don't hate you. Secondly, I'm not the one who's teasing." Luke chuckled darkly as he slowly stepped closer. "Who was the one who came back home covered in another man's  scent?" Step. "Or the one who flirted around with a stranger?" Step. "And kissed him in front of me?" He was so close we shared the same breath and without a doubt he could hear my heart ticking down to an explosion. "And especially right now," His fingers gently caressed my cheek and I suppressed a shiver. "It's so freakin hard to resist."

"B...but why? said you'd rather gouge your eyes out than look at me?" If anything, I had to restrain myself cause damn! He was dressed up in a white tux, bow tie and all, add his sharp features in the dim light, and Lord have mercy! Emerald eyes lifted my chin, everything about him was making  me weak. 'Fight this dammit!' "You feel it don't you? The sparks on your skin?" His other hand trailed up my arm slowly, it was like he was lighting a chain of firecrackers.

"" I clenched my jaws together unrelentingly.

"Your pulse racing? Your blood hot in your veins?" He whispered in my ear.

"L...Luke!" I couldn't take this much longer.

"You're fighting it so easily," He nuzzled my neck and my stomach tightened, my breath was caught in my lungs. "But I'm not as strong as you," His lips brushed back up to my ear, "Mate."

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