I stubble back as if they slapped me.


"We've always known. We just hoped you'd be stronger."

"I am strong." I snap.

Brother Roman looks down at Marne then back at me. "Obviously not."

"I am!" I scream.

The room shakes.

"We're sorry, Shianne." Brother Talic raises his hand.

My head feels like it's being cut in half. I fall to the ground screaming.

"Stop it!" I spit through clenched teeth.

The pain increases.

"Please..." I gasp before blacking out.

Matthew's POV:

I bolt out of bed and land on my feet searching the room. The surroundings are foreign to me and the smells don't easy the tightness in my muscles. My head whips to the figure breathing in the corner of the dark room.

"Who's there?"

The lights come on revealing an old man. Brother Talic. I bare my teeth as I watch him.

"Matthew." His fingers are neatly folded in his lap.

I don't relax.

"Matthew, we know that you've obtained your key. We don't want it to consume you, but we can't help you to control it until after you've faced Jezebel."

A vicious sound rumbles out of my throat at the sound of her name.

"And since we can't help you right now, you're no longer welcomed to stay among us."

My eyes narrow.

"I know we've done a lot to you instead of for you, but if you're willing to get your humanity back, at least some form of it, come back." He stands and opens the door.

Slowly standing onto my feet, I watch him carefully.

"I'm sure you know how to find her. Good luck." He bows.

The side of me that demands dominance fights as I bow in return. In a flash, I race out the room to Shianne's car. A woman screams as she moves out the way. The door nearly comes off when I open the driver's side. Getting behind the wheel, I start the engine. The tires squeal as I drive off to Jezebel. I want to run. My body hums with something new. Something I find delicious. A slow smile grows on my face. I've never felt this alive before. I love it. Pressing my foot hard onto the gas pedal, I weave through other cars trying to get to my destination.

"Matthew." Someone snaps in my head.

The car swerves back onto the road. The skin between my eye brows wrinkle.

"Who is that?"

"You know who it isn't. Remember you're saving Alexandria. Don't lose focus." Andria's grandmother warns.

"Get out of my head, witch or I'll come find you next."

"I'd like to see you try. Jezebel may be older and powerful, but you've never handled a woman like me. Despite all the power you think you have, you won't last a minute with me, pup."

I laugh bitterly and block her from my mind. She tries to get around the block I put on her like a feeble animal banging on a wall. I pull into my drive way and dash out the car, not even bothering to park or turn it off. The front door opens before I can kick it down. I tense as I walk inside.

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