Jeremy walked out confidently with his oh-so-beautiful glory displaying. Girls literally melted to the floor, and I'm so sure it wasn't the weather this time. He glanced through the crowd, blowing a kiss at Emily. When his eyes landed on me, he paused with his mouth slightly ajar.

Shock to see me here, Lochhart?

Snapping out of it, he looked away towards the crowd.

The other competitors stood prepared beside their diving boards, doing light stretches. The first whistle blew signaling all of them to stand on their plunging boards. I could see how Jeremy's eyes turned a darker shade of blue, determination loaded in him. Without any further delay, the horn blew which legitimately made my ears bleed.

My eyes stayed glued on Jeremy. It was so elegant yet so powerful the way his arms flexed every time he did those strong accurate strokes. He was leading clearly—there was a large gap between him and the other competitors.

A smile silently crept its way to my lips as I watched Jeremy leading in the race. It gave me some sort of happiness that I couldn't quite understand. But my happiness was short-lifted.

He started flinching.

He continued swimming, but yet it came again and he flinched once again.

Please not now Jeremy. Please don't get a cra-

Pausing abruptly, he grabbed his calf in pain while gulping water down at the same time. Both of his hands wrapped itself around his calf while he kept coughing on the water that he was choking on.

People started panicking, everyone unsure of what to do. Glancing back at Jeremy, he was no where to be found.

Fuck why did I take so long?!

Rushing over to the other side of the pool, I pulled my T-shirt over my head, I plunged into the pool without any hesitation. The race has long finished as I pulled Jeremy to the side. Tristen helped me pull Jeremy to the platform at the pool side. The other students stood a distance away from us, jaws dropped.

Jeremy was not moving or coughing out any water. He just laid motionless. Tristen was as unsure as any other student, but he still kneeled by my side.

Placing my palms right below his heart, I pushed it upwards multiple times. I tried my very best to ignore the tingles that ran through my veins when my hands were placed on his soft tan skin.

He did not have any reaction.

"Do the kissing thingy now!!" Tristen shook me like a maniac.

"You mean mouth-to-mouth resuscitation?" I raised an eyebrow at his childish pout.

"Didn't I just say that?" I rolled my eyes at him. He definitely had the brain of a three year old.

"What are you waiting for Skylar?!"

I had to practically place my lips on his. Life will never be the same.

Hell, why am I still thinking about this? This is a life and death situation. I can't lose another person in my life again.

I leaned towards him, placing my lips onto his as I did the whole procedure. His lips felt so much better than I imagined.

Wait, hold on, I didn't imagine anything. Ever.

Suddenly, pushing me away, Jeremy started coughing out water while taking deep breaths. He laid back down with a small smile on his lips. Placing my hands on either side of his face, I realized I straddling his waist.

He looked into my eyes with gratitude and adoration. For a small moment, I actually felt loved.

Reminding myself of our position and how awkward the situation felt, I abruptly pushed myself off him which caused my to fall to floor beside him.

A shock expression was casted upon his face as I slipped into my slippers and ran off before he could say anything.

The group of students and Emily to be specific rushed to him. The crowd started cheering him for his perseverance while I ran away, unsure of how to handle this whole situation.

I ran out of the school in my bikini to and my school shorts while dripping wet. Sitting against the fence at the back of the school, I pulled my knees close to my chest, wrapping my arms around them.

I wasn't sure what came to me but I cried. I cried so hard. I was so overwhelmed with emotions but I unsure of where they came from. I hate Jeremy but why can't i help but like his smile. His eyes. His freckles. His free and wild persona-

Click! Click!

What was that?

I lifted my head up and scanned my surroundings which was filled with green bushes.

"Who is out there? " Fear was lacing in my voice. I heard a few more clicks of a camera and suddenly, I heard a twig break.

Whipping my head to that direction, I spotted a light brown haired boy running off into a alley.

Standing up swifting, my legs started to move at the speed of light. Over some time, I was about to catch up with him but he was still a short distance away.

Grabbing my slipper from my foot, I threw it directly at his head.

"Bulls-eye!" I screamed out in happiness, punching the air.

The guy who wore sunglasses turned around rubbing his head in pain. I finally have him now.

"What the hell Tori ?! " he furrowed his eyebrows in anger before slapping a hand over his mouth, realizing his words. His words made me slow down my pace to a complete stop.pulling down his sunglasses, he stared back at me before dashing off.

It just couldn't be him.

Only one person calls me that.


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