The Call

414 16 0

Gibbs P.O.V.

I answer my phone, and before I can say anything, someone is whispering," If you ever want to see them alive again, you'll deliver $2,000,000 dollars to Director Orli Elbaz by sundown on Friday. "

I look at the phone, and check caller ID... Its Ducky's phone, and he's with Abby, McGee, and Palmer. "You'll never get away with it." , I say as my voice comes out cracking with every word. The man on the other end just laughs, and I hear one of the babies crying in the background. The man starts to coo to the baby, and the crying stops.

"Gibbs. You'll do as I say. I'm in charge of your team now. I make the calls, and I chose who dies. I think its Palmers turn.", he says.

"No! No! No! Please", I can hear Palmer beg through the phone. BANG!!!

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