New Case

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Ziva P.O.V.

Tony answers my question, and my body starts to tremble and shake. There's a new feeling that I don't think I've ever had before MOTHERLY feelings. The feeling that you would do anything to protect your baby. That's exactly what I'm feeling right now.

I start to pull the cords off of me, and start to stand. Tony rushes over me and grabs my back," Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! Ziva what do you think your doing?"

"What does it look like Tony? I'm going to go get my baby girl.", I say as I use his shoulders for support. I simply ask Tony to get me some clothes and for Gibbs to get started on the case. Gibbs takes Abby and McGee back home, and calls Vance.

I gather all of my things and we leave the hospital. I walk out the door and I don't look back. I don't want to remember the place were I died or where I lost my memory or were my daughter was kidnapped. This place is always just going to be a reminder of loss to me, even though I overcame so much here. It seems I always look at the negative side if things.

Tony opens the trunk of the car and I put my stuff inside, I have to squeeze it in next to a big box. I look at the box and it reads, " Children's Car Seat ages 0-3"

Just seeing this makes my knees buckle, and my heart ache. A cry barely escapes my lips, but Tony hears and envelops me in a big hug.

"Ziva... Listen to me. We are going to find her. I will not rest until we do... but you have to trust me? Okay?", Tony tries to reassure me.

"T-Tony. I do trust you and you have be able to realize that I won't rest either. She's our daughter. Tony... I didn't even get to hold her, or even see her. I-I-....", my words are cut off by a kiss. Tony knows exactly what to do at the right times. He stops and stares into my eyes... "Ziva I LOVE YOU."

I hug him and say,"I LOVE YOU TOO. Now let's go find our daughter."

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