Chapter 36 - A Shocking Turn Of Events!

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"Yep. You see, normally the Kahunas make decisions based from the Tapus advice, but my Cousin decided he would rather let me take over his position." Sophocles explained.

"That's awesome! I'm sure you'll do great." Ash said to his friend.

"Thanks just. I hope I can meet his expectations. That and find a totem Pokemon." Sophocles said with a sigh.

"What do you mean by that?" Serena asked confused.

"Krzzt- I can answer that! Totem Pokemon have similar cycles as Trial captains. The Totem Ash will be facing today must be retiring along with Molayne." Rotom explained.

"I see. So when you take over, you'll have to set up an entire trial." Ash said.

"That's about it. I'm honestly not sure what to do for it. The only Pokemon I have is Togedemaru, and it isn't quite to Totem level." Sophcoles said with yet another sigh as they continued to walk.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out Sophcoles." Ash said to his classmate and friend.

"I sure hope so." He replied.

Soon they all arrived to a metal door.

"Here it is, the totems chamber." Sophcoles expalined.

"So this is where I'm gonna fight the totem?" Ash asked.

"Yes it is." Another voice walking towards them.

"In here is the totem pokemon. Only the trial goer is allowed to enter, so make any preparations before hand." Molayne explained.

"Got it. Me and my Pokemon are ready!" "Pika!" Pikachu and Ash said confidently.

"Okay then. There are a couple of things you should know-" "I'd rather find out myself. A good trainer can take on any challenge." Ash said cutting him off.

"Very well. I wish you luck. We will be able to see out here from cameras inside the room. We'll be cheering you on." Molayne said to him.

"Got it."

"Good luck Ash." Serena said to the boy.

"Thanks." He replied with a confident smile.

As he entered the room, a chill went up his spine. Not due to nerves however, it was freezing inside.

"Why is it so cold in here?" Ash said while starting to shiver. "Pika Pika." The small Pokemon replied.

With no answer however, the big metal door closed behind them.

"Hello? Totem Pokemon?" Ash called out into the freezing room. "I'm here to challenge you to a battle. Please, accept my challenge." Ash called out while keeping his arms close to his chest, trying to stay warm.


A roar came from one of the many ice mountains that filled the room.

"Pika pika!" Pikachu called out pointing at one of them.

Ash could see what he was pointing at, the totem.

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