Chapter Two

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Friday Harbour, San Juan Islands, Washington, USA

July 2017

Jerry Lawrence

"Ladies and gentleman, we are now approaching the harbour. Please remain seated until we tether up and make sure you gather all your possessions. For anyone interested in another outing, we'll be setting sail again at 9:00am tomorrow morning." I set down my speaker on its holder and spin the wheel of the ferry as I begin to manoeuvre into the docks, narrowing my eyes in order to see past the blinding light against the water's crystalline surface. The tops of the fishing boats are visible and I watch as the bop up and down on the surface of the water. A flock of seagulls spreads their wings and skims across the surface as my boat approaches, soaring into the clear sky in a flurry of movement.

"Ahoy matey!" I hear the cheerful voice of my younger co-worker as he brings the tether down to the side of the dock, readying himself to quickly tie the boat to land. I flash him a large grin as I pick up my speaker and address my passengers. "Alright ladies and gents and everyone in-between, you may now leave the boat. Thank you for choosing to board with Lawrence lines today- I hope any non-locals enjoy the rest of their time in our little corner of the world. Again, next boat will be at 9:00am tomorrow. That's 9:00am tomorrow morning. Thank you!" With a click, I place down my speaker and watch my passengers file out of the boat in single file, only opening the door to my captain's quarters and heading down the stairs when the final passenger has boarded land safely.

I make my own way onto the shore, towards the fishing docks where I see the young fishing crew working hard as always. I've always loved coming down here after my rides simply due to the strong community feeling that washes over me as I walk through the crowd of fishermen bringing in their final catches for the day. Within this crowd I spy out ginger hair and eventually find my son bringing in his net, his bright locks hard to miss. I stroll up behind him and ruffle his hair, causing him to jump a considerable amount.

"Dad! Jesus Christ, you scared the heck out of me. You can't just sneak up on people like that." He gives an exaggerated sulk, causing a hearty laugh to escape my throat.

"Aw, don't be like that, son. You gotta strengthen your nerves. Anxiety like that is no fit for a sailor." I mock him playfully, nudging his shoulder as I grab the other side of his neck and help him yank it onto the land.

"I see you've had some good catches today" I comment as I eye his buckets full of fish, which give off an iridescent sheen in the evening sun.

"Oh yeah, best in a while. How were your rounds?" he asks, crossing his arms as we gaze into the line where the horizon meets the sea.

"Eh, same as usual. Got some nice sea breeze, nothing too rough. Usual crowd, mixture of locals getting to and from the mainland and non-locals having a gander at island life for a couple of days."

"Good, good. Well I just have to finish sorting this load out and then I'll be joining you for dinner tonight. That's still happening right?"

"Of course it is Scott, wouldn't miss seeing my grandkids for anything. How are Zachary and Isabella these days?"

"Fine as usual. Isabella is just getting used to the idea of starting school and Zach is dreading the thought of going back. Tell you something, he's a right little terror at times, that one." Scott rolls his eyes and gives me a tired look, so I can easily guess the havoc little Zach has been causing for him and Rebecca.

"Well be round at mine tonight for eight. I'm making what was your Ma's favourite," I tell my son with a sad smile creeping onto my face as I think about my late wife, Vera, and how she loved to cook.

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