Chapter 12

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 Tossing her cream-coloured backpack onto a fuscia linen blanket,  Gisele lay down, asleep like a small child, with a heart-shaped velvet pillow in her grasps. 

Yaya enters, placing a bowl of soup on the desk. "Wakey-wakey," whispered Yaya to Gisele. Rubbing her eyes, Gisele got up, and observed her surrounding. "Mom," she called out. Sprinting out of Yaya's bedroom, Gisele ran into the master bedroom, only to find Anong reading by the bedside. Noticing Gisele in her room, she smiled warmly and welcomed her with an open arm.

Yaya found Gisele, seated next to her mother, and apologises. "She thought she was in her home, with her mother still around," stated Yaya. Anong expressed her condolences towards Gisele's situation, as she wiped her tears flowing from her puffy eyes. Exhaling her breath, Yaya stroked her back and assures everything will be alright.

Gaited like a helpless person, Gisele stared at Yaya's guilty face. "The cops will find him," said Yaya. "You just need to be patient." 

"You really think the cops will find him?" scoffed Gisele


"They're too busy being spoon-fed with cash and gold. It's like fairness and justice is dying."

Yaya gave a soft sigh. "What do I do?" she thought. "Ezekiel's gone because of me."  

Minutes passed, and Yaya froze in her current position, tapping her finger on wooden pearl white table. Before she could follow the beat of the rhythm, her face lit up. She touched Gisele's shoulder, and showed her a comic book, with a man in a bat costume on the front page. "I have a great idea," Yaya announced.

Gisle looked at Yaya blankly. "So your idea is to dressed up as Batman?" she judged. "No, silly," Yaya chuckled. "We're going to fight crime." Sprung backward, Gisele sighed and placed both hands onto her lap. 

"Have you lost your marble?" she howled. "You could get us both killed."

"I know Gisele, but you just mention that the cops are corrupted. Am I right?"

"Well yeah, but..."

"I know its risky, but trust me, we'll find Ezekiel this way."

She arosed and glared at Yaya. "You're not doing this alone, are you?" Yaya shook her head. "Nope."

Gisele offered her hand to Yaya. "If I die, you're answering that to Ezekiel," stated Gisele. Yaya shook hands with Gisele and replied, "Deal." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2017 ⏰

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