Love of My Life

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July 16, 2016
River Bank, New Jersey
Riverview Medical Center

"Oh shit!!", Dave yelled as he held the video camera and watched the baby's head crown.

"Arielle , get that camera from that boy he is about to pass out ", Ms. Lisa instructed Arielle

Braelyn  was finally instructed to push after 10 hours in labor.  They only allowed Ms. Lisa and Arielle in the room , Dave was looking nauseous holding the camera . After Arielle took the camera , Dave came and grabbed Braelyn hand.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!", Braelyn yelled while squeezing Daves hand . Between her squeezing his hand and the sight of his first child crowning , he became dizzy.

"We only have two more pushes Ms. Taylor and you can say hello to your baby girl", the doctor spoke

Ms. Lisa was wiping her forehead with a cold washcloth while holding her left hand and coaching her.

"Come on Brae , you only have two more pushes. David get up she needs your help, get it together damnit!", she yelled

He placed kisses on her forehead as she pushed one more time

"Don't touch me you demon , you did this to me !!", she yelled while crying

Dave wiped her nose and her tears as he watched Brielle slide into the world.He was speechless , as he heard her first cry,he started to tear up. Dave was a true gangster and had done a lot of dirt in life but this moment was unreal.

He had created a human with the woman he loved , its like his life came full circle at that moment . The doctor placed the baby on Brae's chest and he just stood there in shock. As everyone cooed at her , he was frozen in place.

"Babe , look at her omg she looks just like you", Brae broke Dave's trans

He looked at the baby and she looked like a complete copy of his baby picture. Dave was in complete aww as they cleaned and wrapped Brielle up and handed her to him.
Two tear drops fells as he stared at his daughter . He glanced at Braelyn who was drifting off to sleep and whispered , "Thank You".

Waiting Room...

"Hey , how you been Kaiden?", Ryan asked as he sat next to her . He hadn't really spoken to her since their talk after her graduation.

"I'm good and you , how is your summer going ?", she asked

"Cool I've been staying with Dave and Brae on the other side of the house", he laughed

"I need to get out there I haven't seen the new house yet, it looks big", Kaiden replied looking back down to her phone

"Yeah 8 bedrooms , so I'm moving in after graduation. They let me decorate a room , I'm sick of Brooklyn", he told her

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