Is This Even Real?

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October 15, 2015
Baltimore , Maryland

Chanel Jones

As my eyes adjusted to the sunlight from the blinds being opened. I felt the results of last night all over again, we partied all night in DC. I lifted up looking around the bedroom, trying to recollect all of the nights events . "Rise and shine bighead ", a raspy voice yelled . I was dressed in only my bra and his basketball shorts . I looked over at him rolling a blunt next to me . "Why do you have to be so fucking loud Korey damn", I replied getting up and going into the bathroom. After I took a shower and brushed my teeth , I wrapped the towel around me and walked back into the room .

Korey had made up the bed and took my clothes out for our trip back to New York. As I got myself  ready to go, I reflected on my weekend with Korey . We had been messing with each other on and off for 2 years now. I have always felt something for Korey , but his lifestyle and what he could offer me emotionally was another story .

" Nel, we gonna go to brunch before we leave . I made reservations ", he told me as he plopped down on the bed.  "Ok", I responded softly . "Fuck wrong with you ?", he asked while scrolling through his iPhone . "Don't worry bout it", I responded .

After I was dressed , we went to brunch and were on our way back to Harlem. I loved our time together , it was peaceful . If Brae knew she would kill us , her brother has been off limits to us. The only people who knew were Shad and Dave , but they would never rat us out . They stayed out of whatever it was we had going on.

My thoughts wandered as I stared out of the window. " Nel , why you quiet?", Korey asks while he focuses on the road . "I don't know if I can keep doing this , emotionally I can't handle it ", I answered as I scrolled through my Instagram. He sighs, " Fuck you start feeling this way , last I checked you didn't want titles and you know Brae would kill us". "I can't do this anymore Korey , after we get back let's just cut our losses ", she responded . He checked her expression to see if she was serious , knowing she meant every word they drove in silence the rest of the way.

1 week later..

Dave Brewster

As I sat in the office of the warehouse counting the weekly earnings , I heard a knock at the door. I checked the camera before I told them to enter the office.

Korey walks in with a frustrated look on his face.

After we dapped, he took a seat in front of my desk. "Wassup?" , I asked with my eyebrows raised. "Chanel said she done", he spoke . I stopped counting and turned my attention to him ,making a mental note of where I stopped." Damn son you good?", I asked . "Not really , its like I fuck with shorty , I've had a thing for her for a while . I just always knew Brae would never approve",Korey replied . " I mean at the end of the day y'all family and Brae is my wife . But she would have to accept it , you are her only brother and Chanel is her best friend . I don't know why she wouldn't expect something like this to happen anyway. You gotta live for you bro, she will be aight", I told him . " I guess bro, but let me get back to these streets. I gotta get my mind off this shit", he told me before leaving out .

My phone vibrated on the desk , "Yo" , I answered . " We downstairs ", Rashad spoke to me . I hung up and put the money I was counting in the safe .I left the office heading downstairs , as I unbuttoned my button up and stepped out of my shoes. "Wassup?" , I asked watching the tears stream down Ashley's cheeks . She broke a promise and I had to follow my wife's orders. Ashley was becoming disrespectful, she should have never said anything to Brae ever .

I watched her swing from the ropes that were attached to her wrists. I took the tape off of her mouth and she screamed for help . "Nobody can hear you sweetheart , didn't I tell you don't ever speak to my wife . You had to say something . I was trying to spare you ", I sternly spoke . Before she could speak , I held my Glock9 up and shot her in the head. Her body went limp , as I begin to cut her fingers and toes off . I threw them into the wood furnace , smiling happy with my work . "Clean this shit up , I'm going home ", I told the guys as I walked up the stairs . That should have been handled years ago..

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