Dear First Love

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May 30, 2016
Columbia, Maryland


"So you are moving to LA for real, damn I thought you were bluffing Kaidy. So I guess it's over huh ?", Ryan asked as him and Kaidy sat in Kaiden's Range in the mall lot.

It was 6 hours before her graduation and when Ryan came to town he demanded that they talk

"Yes, I really want to pursue this fashion thing and I have made a few contacts out there ", Kaiden replied

"You really like him don't you ,don't lie to me", Ryan asked her

"I really do , I've already leased an apartment and I leave tomorrow", she replied as she pouted

It was hard to forget your first love , but Ryan knew this day would come . He had been seeing her all over the blogs with Chris, but he still had hope.

They were thick as thieves at one point , from sneaking out and kissing on the project roof to summer pool parties . When they both went off to college, they broke up for fear of distance.

"Damn, I thought we had forever , at least that's what we promised each other . But it's cool, I'm happy for you ", he told her as he kissed her hand.

"New beginnings, I'll be right there to cheer you on in the Fall when you graduate. We will always be best friends Ryan. I will always love you ,"she cried .

It was something that she never thought she'd hear herself say . Her first everything was now just a memory. But only time would tell ..

Brandon and Arielle House...

Everyone had gathered for lunch , since the graduation was at 6pm

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Everyone had gathered for lunch , since the graduation was at 6pm. Lauren drove her G Wagon and everyone piled in except Chanel , Korey and Rashad.

Chanel was in labor at the hospital waiting for Kody to show up. As much as Korey wanted to see his baby sister graduate , the birth of his son was more important .

"I swear she only kicks for Dave , she doesn't like me . She's a daddy's girl already", Braelyn told Arielle as they sat around the kitchen table.

"That's right , she loves her daddy already ain't that right Bri", he came over rubbing Brae stomach. And just like magic , the baby kicked like crazy.

"Come feel it ya'll, babe keep rubbing ", Braelyn laughed .

Everyone gathered around watching Brielle kicking away and saw handprints too.

She was an active baby when her father was around , they talked to her all the time and played her classical music at night .

"Kaiden, is Chris coming ?", Lauren asked, Ryan rolled his eyes as he got up to throw his plate away.

"Somebody jealous ", Arielle pinched his cheeks and everyone laughed

"Damn , homie you let a singing nigga steal your girl", David laughed.

"I'm going to take a nap , y'all play too much " he replied and went upstairs

"No , he's not going to be able to , but he is meeting me at my new apartment . I shipped my last box last night ", Kaiden smiled

"Yo in love , that's soo cute Kaidy", her best friend Ashley spoke.

"No I'm not ", Kaiden replied blushing

After the Graduation..

Everyone had dinner and chilled around Arielle's home . Ryan was missing in action and had took a walk to clear his head.

"I love this house , shit in New York we would be spending about a mill for this", Dave told Brandon as they sat on the patio drinking

"We got a good deal, it was a short sale. $275,000", Brandon replied

"It's so peaceful down here from the loud city , you can actually think. This house purchase is annoying , house $3 mill and that's not including the expensive ass furniture your sister in law wants", Dave spoke with his eyes closed .

"Yeah , her and her sister are one in the same. I had to talk Arielle down , she wanted a $1 million dollar house", Brandon laughed.

Back in the house , Kaiden was finishing packing her suitcase . While Lauren , Ashley and Kaiden's friend Linsey laid across her bed.

"So how are you and your new boo doing Lauren. He fine as hell Lo. You better hold on before somebody snag him", Ashley asked.

"We good , how is your baby daddy he still cheating ?", Lauren asked

"Ouuuuuu", the rest of the girls laughed

"Touché ", Ashley laughed

"I take it Ryan ain't take that conversation well. Nigga ain't been back since earlier", Linsey spoke , scrolling through her phone .

"I mean you never forget your first . He'll be ok , we'll always be friends . I still talk to him everyday", Kaiden spoke as she folded her last shirt.

"I heard about shorty Rashad got 'pregnant' too . That ain't his baby at all, she playing that nigga like a fiddle . What a dumb ass", Ashley told the girls .

Ashley and Kaiden had been best friends since she moved to Harlem. She still lived in Harlem and knew everyone's business. If Ashley gave information, you knew it was factual.

"Yeah , I don't even care about it anymore. Karma is a bitch, fuck him. I went and got my Beemer last week and cleared out my portion of the bank account. Let's see him make it without me . The nigga can barely count", Lauren laughed.

After the stunt Rashad pulled she finally got her Beemer from the car garage and withdrew her half of the bank account . She had $1million out of the $7million that they had in one of the many accounts Rashad had. She was finally done .

So whatever happened to him she could careless...


Just something to hold you over until Monday . I'll post two chapters on Monday

Comment and Vote!!

Team Chrae or Team Kryan??

Team Lashad or Team Lemy??😂😂😂

And if you want to ask me some questions I'm down for that as well , thanks for the support 😘😘😘


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