"Doesn't mean I can't find hundreds of suitors in the village...like you did." She snickers.

"Like you'd want to have a child with someone you didn't love." I narrow my eyes at her. "Never, ever talk to me about sex or suitors again or I'm locking you in the dungeon- it's disturbing. We aren't weird siblings like Byrd and just about every royal."

"You're right we aren't." She huffs and chuckles. "I'm never being locked away again." Her face becomes serious.

"Oh shit," I sat under my breath and I stop running. "I'm sorry Raven. I didn't mean to joke around like that it completely slipped my mind..."

She shakes her head. "It's okay, you're the only one I'll allow to joke about this with. It's what siblings do right?" She shrugs her shoulders having stopped running to face me.

"Actually, a lot has changed, siblings don't joke anymore, they're terrible and they fight unfair.  For instance-" I pause, smirk, and start sprinting to gain a lead ahead of her. "Race you to the castle!"

"Raidyn Milo, you're an asshole!" She shouts trying to catch up with me.

"Better save your breath!" I yell to the newly clear sky.

"As if!" She's gaining on me, but with the short distance to the castle, I'm not worried in the least.

Gods, all I wanted to do was crumbled into the stone once I passed through the gates. My lungs and heart were working hard to get my breathing back to a resting pace. "You lost. For once, once in my life, I beat you." I smile.

"You cheated!" She shouts. "I hardly call it winning."

"Are we in wartimes, Raven?" I ask raising my chin.


"All's fair in love and war." I shrug.

"You truly are still a child." She rolls her eyes and shoves me.

"You've just got no sense of humor." I pulled my lips apart at the corners with my index fingers and stick out my tongue.

"Oh please I have plenty." She crosses her arms and walks toward the castle and into the foyer.

"That's not what the king says." I tease.

She groans. "Don't even play the king card! I remember how dad use to use that on mom!"

"If I have to deal with all the bullshit that comes with being king, I think I deserve to use the king card."

"Are you sure you're twenty-four?"

"I don't know. How old are you again?" I tilt my head.

"You are a pain, I don't know how your wife stands you."

"She doesn't. She lies down."

Raven gasps and swats at me. "You said no sex talk!"

"We had to be even; now we are." I mockingly bow to her.

"A child, Raidyn. You are a child!" She shouts.

"Chill out, little sister. I could always bring up certain times that you were the child in the situation. You've spent your first couple months back here so gullible and naive."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." She dismisses me and it's settled since in my eyes, I've won for the second time today.

"Breakfast in the kitchen?" I ask her.

She sprints and yells back to me. "Race you there!"

I groan and lightly jog, totally trailing her. Why waste my breath when I know I'm doomed for failure?

The Central Kingdom (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now