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Life is a very hard to succeed at. Between trying to please my parents with my studies, extracurricular activities, and my "good son" act, to trying to be the best boyfriend I can be to Y/n. It's not an easy thing to do. Because of my parents' demands and expectations I take on a lot more than I should, leaving me with little time to be with Y/n. Last week I only spent three hours with him–three fucking hours in the whole week. This week I spent an hour and a half. It's fucking ridiculous to see him for so short of time and I fucking hate it. I'm not the only fucking child so I don't fucking know why my parents don't pressure my hyung when he's five years older than me! Honestly, this fucking sucks.

I saw Y/n the other day while I was walking to the student council room at lunch. He looked so upset to see that we couldn't have lunch together like we used to. I hate seeing him so upset, I hate seeing a frown on his face and tears in his eyes. I just want to make him smile and make him happy like how he makes me happy. Even when we meet up for a brief moment he looks upset, he smiles but I can tell from his eyes that he doesn't want me to go. I feel so sorry that I can't be there for him when he needs me. I feel like a horrible boyfriend.

-Min Yoongi


Yoongi, it's me Y/n. You're probably looking for your journal as I'm writing this, but I just needed to give you something so that you wouldn't feel down all the time. Also, I'm sorry. I read your previous entry when I should've respected your privacy. I'm glad I read it though, because it gives me more to tell you.

You are not a horrible boyfriend.

Trust me when I say this, you're not a horrible boyfriend Yoongi. You're the best boyfriend I could ever ask for, even if our time together is short (like my height) I'd rather have that than spend no time with you at all. It's not your fault for any of this so don't blame yourself Yoongi. Your parents are your parents, you can't go against them (you can but I'd prefer you don't). I believe that when you're old enough to make your dream happen and to have a set goal for yourself, is when you can finally stand up for yourself. Only then will your parents take you seriously. I know that it may be hard to convince them about your dream, but I know that you will succeed and be prosperous at the end of it.

Yoongi, I know I get upset when I see you leave, but I know that your duty as a filial son are top priority for you to show your parents how great you are. We text and call each other almost everyday so I don't feel the need to be upset for longer than a minute. I hate seeing you so stressed about this, and it hurts me to see that I can't help very much. I just want you to smile okay? Smile for me and remember all the good times we had together so far. Your struggle will be worth it in the end, I promise.

List of e̶n̶c̶o̶u̶r̶a̶g̶e̶i̶n̶g̶ encouraging words and sentences from Y/n Part Two! Let's begin(*'︶'*)╯♡!

—You are the best boyfriend in the entire world.

—You're very handsome (and cute) while I'm very smol (and cute obviously).

—We'll make beautiful babies in the future because Beautiful + Beautiful= Beautiful Babies.

—You're very intelligent both musically and scholarly.

—Your piano playing skills are amazing.

—You are an amazing person and you will always be an amazing person.
—You are loved.

—You will be prosperous after all your struggles.

—You are strong enough to overcome your fears and obstacles.

—I believe in you Yoongi, even if other people don't, I will always believe in you.

—Love Yourself.

I love you Yoongi and I know you love me too. Even if we're apart, just know that I love you and that I always will. I know that you will succeed in your goal to become a rapper and I wish you the best of luck. All of Korea will know your name and maybe even the whole world will. I know you'll do great things, so please don't worry too much about me. Your goal is first, you don't have to worry about losing me because I will always, always be there for you. I love you Yoongi.

–Hyun Y/n


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