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Today was the best day of my life! Mom and Dad let me have a sleepover at my best friend's house! We had so much fun, even better than when we found two dollars at the park! First off, Y/n's mom let us have pizza and drink soda for lunch. I've never had pizza or soda before because mom doesn't allow it. It was the best thing I ever had for lunch! After we ate the yummy pizza Y/n and I played video games in the living room and his mom brought us snacks. The chips were yummy too and so were the pieces of candy she let us have. After that we went to Y/n's room to watch a movie. After we we're done with the movie we're going to sleep together on Y/n's bed, but we're going to tell each other stories before we sleep. Today I'll let Y/n write  in my book because he wants to write something nice for me to see every time I open this book.

-Min Yoongi

E̶n̶t̶r̶e̶ E̶n̶t̶r̶e̶e̶ Entry One:

Hello Min Yoongi's book! My name is Y/n and I am his bestest friend! It's nice to meet you! I am here to write e̶n̶c̶u̶r̶a̶g̶i̶n̶g̶ e̶n̶c̶o̶r̶a̶g̶i̶n̶g̶ e̶n̶c̶o̶u̶r̶a̶g̶e̶i̶n̶g̶ encouraging words and sentences for Yoongi! Let's start! ^-^

–You are the bestest friend anyone could have!

–You have a very very very cute gummy smile!

–You are very very i̶n̶t̶e̶l̶i̶g̶e̶n̶t̶ i̶n̶t̶e̶l̶e̶g̶e̶n̶t̶ intelligent!

–You're very cute and handsome!

–You can play the piano very very well!

–I love when you play the piano!

–I love when you smile!

–I love when you laugh!

–I love when you make me smile and when you make me laugh!

–You're very fun even though you get tired a lot.

You're a genius!

–Never give up on your dreams because I know you can do it!

–I love you to the moon and back!

-Hyun Y/n ^-^


"There! All done!" A h/c haired boy smiled as he put the pen back into the cup of writing utensils that was on his desk.

"Can I see what you wrote?" A dark haired boy asked as he peeked over his friend's shoulder.

"Nope! Only when you need my encour-encoura-en-cour-age-ment!" Y/n said as he carefully tried to pronounce the "big word" himself.

"What if I need encouragement now?" Yoongi asked as Y/n closed the journal.

"Then I can encourage you instead!" Y/n started before facing the boy."Yoongi, you are amazing!"

Yoongi giggled and Y/n did too before the door opened to reveal Y/n's mother.

"Boys, it's time for bed." She said as she gave them a smile.

"Already?" Y/n whined.

"Yes, you want to have a lot of energy tomorrow when I take you both to the park right?" His mother asked as the boys nodded frantically.

"Come on Yoongi! I'll let you borrow some of my favorite pj's!" Y/n said as he dragged Yoongi to the drawer and took out a pair of pajamas with cute bears on them.

"These are cute." Yoongi smiled as he took them.

"Like you." Y/n blushed before Yoongi shook his head.

"You're cuter."

Y/n's mother gushed silently at the interaction between the two seven-year olds. Y/n blushed before grabbing his own pajamas that had butterflies on them. Yoongi went into the bathroom as Y/n went into the closet while Y/n's mother fixed the bed for them. The two boys came out and Y/n's mother bid them goodnight after giving them a kiss on the cheek.

"Night night Mama!" Y/n smiled as he and Yoongi climbed up onto Y/n's bed.

"Goodnight Mrs. Hyun!" Yoongi added as she smiled and turned off the light before walking out and closing the door.

Y/n and Yoongi settled into bed and stared at the ceiling that was decorated with glow in the dark stars and moons. The pair enjoyed the comforting silence as they gazed at the "Night Sky".

"Hey Yoongi." Y/n whispered as he turned to his side to face the dark haired male.

"What is it?" Yoongi asked as he also turned to look at his friend.

"...N-never mind.." Y/n muttered as he snuggled up to the blanket.

"Come on, you can tell me." Yoongi reassured.

"..I just wanted to s-say that I'm glad we're best friends because we'll always be together." Y/n said.

"Me too," Yoongi started."I'm glad we're best friends."

Two boys stayed snuggled up to each other the whole night. Y/n's mother walked in the next morning and took a picture of the two sleeping boys who still held onto each other with smiles on their faces.


I stared at the journal entry and glanced at the entry that he had made. My smile falters as I remembered that day. I shake my head a bit before reading a line from his entry.

'You have a very very very cute gummy smile!'

I could feel my eyes water and I close the journal before wiping my eyes.

Come on now, you're not supposed to be crying.. I think to myself before putting the journal back into my drawer under my socks and underwear.

I take a deep breath before a knock on the door interrupts me."Come in."

The door is opened a bit before Hoseok peeks his head in and gives me a smile."Jin hyung said to come and eat."

"I'll be down in a sec." I said as he nods and closes the door.

My mind wanders back to him. To Y/n. My first love..


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