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Frank's POV

Gerard was going to the hospital, and I thought he was gonna save me. I didn't blame him of course, I'd gone to one and I definitely did not want to go. I hoped he'd get better there, I liked the guy.

He was funny and really cared I think. I sat there on my bed after coming back from his house. I noticed how he'd hidden his scars even though I knew about them. That probably meant he'd cut again before going to that place where it might be impossible for him to cut.

I'd never gone to Blackmountain but it sounded intimidating. The one I'd been to was tame and they basically allowed anything. 'Anything goes' was probably their motto. It was for rich people so it was supposed to be top notch and super efficient and effective. The first private therapy session that I went too, I was raped.

You bet my father got right on that and threatened to sue the hell out of them. My two-day treatment was completely free because of that.

My parents. They weren't bad, they were actually pretty good. Except the whole fact that they only pay attention to me when I'm ill. I fell into depression and tried to kill miserly he first time when I was thirteen and that was when I was transferred to the facility. After that, they just had a private counselor talk to me sometimes but it wasn't really therapy so I wasn't lying when I told Gerard I'd only been once.

I thought of how much Gerard must be struggling to have to go to a mental institution. I knew he had troubles and he did cut but was that the only reason? Did he have a past experience that they were afraid he'd come to again?

I was probably overthinking this. I sighed and glanced at the clock, 6:00. I should probably get ready for school, I wander when Gerard is going. Probably before school so I won't see him.

I got up and went to the shower that adjoined my room and showered quickly. I didn't get any sleep so I took a cold one to wake me up because I was getting a little tired. I changed into black skinnies and a Misfits hoodie, it was cold out. I checked my phone, it was 50degrees so that was cold especially with my wet hair and cold shower.

I walked downstairs and immediately went to the coffee machine and made myself a latte with three shots of espresso. Yeah, I had a espresso machine and a coffee machine and I was well aware on how to make any type of coffee. My summer job was a barista at the local Moxie.

If I was any kind of addict, I was a caffeine addict. I loved coffee and I loved making it and I loved the smell and everything about it. I sipped my coffee as I decided what to have for breakfast, maybe I'd just go to Moxie and get a sandwich, I wasn't in the mood for making anything really.

I grabbed my wallet and backpack and left the house. The wind nipped at my nose but I ignored it, I loved walking when it was like this; I loved when the sun was just getting up so it was only slightly light but it was still dark and I loved how chilly it go so I could clutch my coffee close to me.

I got to the shop and ordered a ham croissant and a chocolate one as well, "For the walk" I told the barista, smiling. I sat down and ate my ham one before walking out and eating the chocolate one in the way like I said I would.

I got to school early as usual, Mikey was standing at the corner, looking intently at his phone, his eyes looked red like he'd been crying, "Hey, Mikey, what's up? Are you okay?" Mikey turned to me and smiled sadly, "Gerard was taken to a mental hospital this morning."
"Taken?" I questioned, it seemed as though he'd go willingly since he probably wanted to be better and not feel like shit his whole life.

"He had a freak episode and said he was seeing a snake and he was trying to protect me from it. He took a bunch of olanzipine or something like that to help but they were old prescriptions and he took about two bottles of it." I stared in shock, he didn't seem like that kind of guy.

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