What We Do After Biology

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These chapter names are shitty, sorry about that readers! Uhg.

School went by quickly and it was finally lunch time, I went to the left corner like Frank asked me to. He was sitting there with a hoodie on, glancing around the school until his eyes rested on mine and he gave the smallest smile.

I walked over and slid down the wall onto the ground next to him, he set down his sandwich, "Hullo." I gave him a small smile which he returned uncertainly, "Hey, so what you saw last night and what I said.." he trailed off, I knew what he was going to say, "You don't want me to repeat it to anyone but don't worry, I haven't got any friends here. Who'd I tell?" I asked dully, "You don't have any friends? Did you just move here?" I shook my head, "No, I've lived in Jersey my whole life and gone here since freshman but no one pays any attention to me."

Sympathy crossed over Frank's face but I didn't want it, "I don't need your sympathy, I've had enough of it and I'm fine. No one cares." Frank was quick to jump on to a topic about me, "What about your family? Don't they care about you?" I laughed bitterly, "They couldn't care less, they'd probably like me better dead."

Frank stared at me and instead of sympathy, empathy washed over him, "I know the feeling, everyone thinks I live the dream, I'm a rich white kid so I probably have a great family but I don't." He glared around the room then stared at his food, "Last night I guess I just went too far. I'm sorry you had to see that." I shrugged, "You're not the only person who's tried to kill themselves up there that I've seen." He gave me a curious look but I didn't say anything else on the topic so he changed it.

"What about you? Have you got some sort of sob story?" I shrugged, I did but I hated dwelling in the past, "I guess, I mean, my family doesn't give a shit if I do anything, I could probably get away with murder and they'd just yell at me but nothing else."

"I wouldn't get away with murder, I'd be grounded." I laughed, "No, you'd be in prison or court." He cracked a real smile, "You're right, but so would you so at least I'd know someone." I laughed quietly, Frank might come from a bad home but he was kind.

"Do you have any siblings?" Frank asked, "One, a younger brother, Mikey. He goes here and he's kinda popular but he doesn't really talk to me much but my parents adore him." Frank thought for a second, "Mikey Way?" I nodded, "I know him, he's actually talked about you." He said offhandedly but I saw something in his eyes, "What does he say?" I asked.

Frank looked uncomfortable but the bell rang so he got up quickly and left, what does Mikey say about me? I remembered I hadn't eaten yet so I quickly got an apple out of my backpack and munched on it as I made my way over to my next class, invisible.

Biology was boring but I was good at it, I was mostly waiting for art. Art and English were my strong suites and my favorites, I loved everything about them. I was actually good friends with the art teacher, but he promised he wasn't giving me good scores just cause I was close to being a friend.

I sat down in the back of the class, and took out a few books, the teacher walked in and she smiled, "Hello! Alright, this week we'll be doing some studying for a test!" A few people groaned and I did so internally, no one needed to know I was disappointed about the test, I didn't need sympathy.

"We are going on," she paused for effect but I knew what it was, "a field trip!" She said happily, I rolled my eyes and looked down at my wrists, silently tracing the faded lines. "For now though, we'll be taking a pop quiz, and I'll have Oli hand out sheets for a parent to sign." She handed a tall boy a stack of paper which he went around the room setting them in every desk even if no one sat there. I put the paper in my backpack and waited for the quiz.

"Austin, please pass these out." An even taller boy stood up and started handing out the pop quizzes, Austin was kind towards everyone but he still didn't notice me as he distributed the quizzes though he gave me one. I glanced over the quiz, it would be easy, I knew a lot about plants and animals, I'd practically lived out side for half my life to get away from my family. They even sometimes lock me out for a night but I grew accustomed to it and I didn't mind but now I just stayed in my room, making no noise and pretended I didn't exist.

"Alrighty, let's go!" I wrote down the answers quickly, I knew them so there was no use in lazing around. Someone was copying me but I didn't care, I didn't make friends or enemies here so I didn't confront them.

After I finished it, I slid it back 'on accident' so the boy could see it clearer and took out my drawing pad. I drew lots of fauna and people, I loved drawing people. They all looked different but identical at the same time, I couldn't explain it.

The boy behind me finished up and whispered, "Thanks." From behind me, I spun around and saw it was Frank, I smiled and took my test up to the teacher and left the room, she allowed us to that thankfully. Frank followed me out, "Are you any good at Bio?" He asked me, I nodded, and he grinned, "That should take my grade up a bit."

"What does Mikey say about me?" I asked him again, my curiosity was killing me, "Uh, just some stuff." I rolled my eyes, "Just tell me. I won't get mad or anything, and trust me, you can't hurt my feelings. So go on, tell me it's all bullshit anyways." He sighed, "He says you're mentally ill and not safe to be around. He said you're basically crazy and all you do it draw."

That hit a nerve but I didn't show it, "He doesn't know anything about me." I told him, "So what if I like to draw? It distracts me from life and I'm actually okay at I think." Frank looked curious but hesitant before he spoke "Can I see your art?" A small smile crept onto my lips and I nodded, sitting down on the floor and he followed suit.

We were both on the ground looking through my art, he was fascinated by it and complimented almost everyone. "What's this?" He pointed and I looked at the page in question, my cheeks heated up.

"Oh uh, n-nothing." I stuttered, making a move to skip that page but he kept it open and scrutinized it, "Is that me? That's me." He said in surprise, I nodded and looked down, "Sorry, uh, your group was eating and looked like a good scene so I drew it." I hated being nervous, but Frank laughed, "It's really good. There's Hayley and is that Brendon? You can tell by the forehead." He giggled. He didn't seem at all phased or creeped that I'd drawn him and his friends, if he'd even call them his friends. They were just popular so they all stuck together mostly.

"I like Brendon," he snapped me out of my thoughts and I stared at him, "he's super funny, a bit of an ass, and caring." Frank mused as he studied the picture more, he flipped through a few more before he came across my favorite one, "Is that a coffin?" I nodded, "My grandma died, she was close to me." He nodded, "Love is the red the roses on your coffin door." I said, I paused and Frank looked at me, "What?" I got nervous again, "Uh, I write songs and i wrote that for her coffin, since I drew a rose on it. Sorry."

He smiled though, "I like your voice, it's nice and calming." People started filing out of class and going to their lockers for supplies, "We should go." Frank probably didn't want to be seen with me so I nodded and he left quickly, I packed up my stuff and headed to my next class, English, finally.

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