Two Kinds of Drawing

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I walked out of school, head down but watching out so I wouldn't run into anyone. A hand landed in my shoulder and I freaked out, "Dude, chill, it's Frank. What's up?" I glanced at him, he looked good in the natural light, he was wearing a black hoodie and black skinny jeans, his eyeliner was drawn lightly under his eyes, he looked really good.

"Uh, nothing, I'm just going home." Frank nodded, "Hey, can I have your number?" I was surprised but nodded, he gave me his phone and I typed it in. His phone was the newest model, sleek and black it must've cost a lot, "Okay, thanks I'll text you okay? Bye!" He headed off towards the other popular guys, a few girls walked up to him and hugged him and kissed his cheek, he pushed them off lightly and laughed.

The girls were pretty so I didn't know why he had done that, I also didn't know why I jealous of them. I shook my head and turned but ran straight into someone, "Oh I'm sorry," I fell down but I was grasped my the hand and pulled up, a boy who must've been my age with a fro smiled brightly at me, "Hi! I'm Ray, sorry, didn't see you there." He extended his hand and I shook it awkwardly, "I'm uh, Gerard but you probably don't care." I mumbled and brushed myself off.

"Of course I care! Who wouldn't, this is my friend, Bob, he doesn't talk much but he's hilarious." Ray smiled at Bob who returned a small one to him and then turned to me and shook my hand, "Bob." He said simply, "Gerard." He let go of my hand and stared into the sky.

"He's not much of a talker." Ray laughed as he told me that for the second time, "Anyhow, I'm sure you've got places to be and people to see." He said, I didn't, just home. "Bye here, this is my number, you seem like a quiet guy and I'd love to know more about you! I have a feeling we could be great friends!" I smiled as gave me a card and left me and Bob alone, Bob turned to follow but looked at me, "Sorry bout him. He's excitable, I guess I'll see you sometime." He left without another word.

I turned around and smacked into someone once again but I didn't fall, "Oh, hey Mikey." I looked up to my younger brother who just glared at me, "Why are you talking to Ray." I shrugged not really knowing myself, "I don't know, I ran into him and he gave me his number, said he had a feeling we'd be friends." Mikey glared even more, "Stay away from my friends."
"I'd love to but he just talked to me."

Mikey looked at me suspiciously then stalked off towards his waiting friends, what was his problem?

I walked home quickly, not running into any more people. Home wasn't to fat from school and I needed the exercise, besides, it gave me time to think outside my room where I spent most of my time.

I walked in, the house was empty as per usual. I walked into the kitchen and made myself some coffee and a small snack. Then I did what I always did, I showered before locking myself up in my room. I rarely did anything in my room, besides reading comics and drawing. Though I did think a lot. I've never had friends over so I never have to clean my room and my parents didn't come in here either.

There was only two places in my room that was clean, a small part on the floor where Mikey would come in and sleep. He had nightmares and things so he slept in here sometimes, we never mentioned it.

I glanced at the clock as I entered my room, 5:30. I sighed and dumped my stuff on my already cluttered bed before turning to my miraculously clean desk. I did everything on my desk, reading, writing, homework, so I had to keep it clean.

I switched on the dim lamp and looked through my backpack to find my drawing pad. I found it and carefully set it on my desk, then took out my pencils. I wanted to draw Frank, would that weird him out if he found out? What if I drew Ray? His afro would be cool to draw and I doubt he'd think it'd be weird if I showed him.

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