Secrets revealed

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It was a normal day in Camelot until Merlin received a letter from his mother with urgent news that can change his life forever

In a land of myth and a time of magic
The destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young boy
His name...Merlin

But in that land of myth and time of magic
Merlins secrets are revealed


What is going on?
•Lancelot isn't dead
•Freya isn't dead (she lived(lives) in Dastrion)
•Uther is dead
•Arthur is king
•Mordred isn't evil or corrupt in any way
•Mordred isn't destined to kill arthur
•Mordred does know Merlin is Emrys because he is still a druid
•Agravaine never existed
•Morgana doesn't know that merlin is Emrys

What Arthur doesn't know about Merlin...
•his magic
•his mother
•his farther
•his sister
•he is a prince
•his scars
•his past/childhood
•his family is royalty

What Arthur does know about Merlin...
•he lived in Ealdor before Camelot
•he is clumsy, stupid and  a clotpole
•he also likes to make up his own insults
•and all of the general things that he knows in the show apart from who his mother is




I only decided to write this because the are loads of scar, lost prince and sister fanfics ,etc, but non of them (that i know of) have multiple things in, so thats what i did.


Also i have read all of the scar fanfics , literally every single one, because they are my favourite. I think i have saved all of the ones i have read to my reading list so if you find one that is good and not on my reading list please tell me.


Also i will read your stories if you want me to, just suggest it and i will.


If you have never watched Merlin (why?!?!) non of this will make sense so WATCH IT or just don't read this.

If you are reading this please comment and vote because non of my friends like Merlin so I i don't have anyone to fangirl to except from you guys.


I have definitely blabbered on too much, sorry


335 words

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