Crimson Memories

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A cool wind wisped through the town, sending a chilling breeze through a back alley-way. Kage, a sixteen year old boy looks down in despair and disbelief at a lifeless, pale teen girl's body. "" he stammered, his silvery-blue eyes filling with tears. "Why you, of all of our kind?" he stepped beside the newly murdered corps, placing his hand on her pale cheek. "It should have been my body lying here, my life stolen." he pulled his hand back to grasp a small, black handgun that had been laying beside the beautiful, black-hair corps's body. He looked forward, away from the palish-gray, almost sick-looking girl. Kage slowly began to raise the gun, aiming it at the alley's brick walls. "You killed her didn't you? DIDN'T YOU?!" he paused, staring blankly at a large shadow forming along the walls. The boy pulled himself to his feet, anger beginning to explode over his face. "Why, why did you kill my innocent sister?!" Kage's eyes quickly began to glow a crimson red as a shadowy aurora circled his body, as if consuming him. "You wanna bring pain..TRY ME!" he yelled, becoming more demonic than his usual calm self. Flinging himself forward past his sisters's body, slinging the handgun to the side. Kage sped over not stopping, slamming himself into the shadow and into the brick wall making it shake. A mournful cry bellowed into the sky. A shiny, crimson liquid splashed to the ground. Not a person was there, excepted a shady looking, green, glossy-eyed man in a completely crimson trench-coat pulled around him as he stumbled away. Whispers from the boy circled the bleeding man. "You will be sorry, you will pay.You deserve the cursed color not my sister. Crimson, color of the blood in which you wear. One question...are you hurting yet?"

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