Part 18.bad dreams.

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(Jordan's POV)

I heard the click of the clock as it taunted me hours and hours kept passing as I sat in wait to make it go away.
The noise of a giant metal door creaked through the room fear consumed me.
"Tsk Tsk Tsk"he taunted I could hear the smirk on his face.

I then felt the searing pain and the blade sliced through my abdomen I gritted my teeth so hard I could hear my jaw popping and breaking and then healing so I wouldn't scream.
"Hmm your so quiet today.I hate it!"my cheek stung after he slapped me my face turning in the other direction.

I came at him my claws out and my k-9s elongated I wanted so badly to rip through his skin and make him die slowly and painfully I had so many different ways I wanted to kill him with.
But the silver shackles that were laced with vervain and wolfsbane.
"Bad girl you know I hate it when you do that.Did you not learn your lesson last time!"he grabbed my face with one of his hands his own claws digging into my cheeks.
"Bad mate"he yelled his evil blue eyes that I once did loved deeply I only have hate for now.

He dragged his claws down the side of my face slowly.
A scream/growl ripped from my chest.

I woke up in a panic as I was shook ruffly I looked up to see lance "you had the dreams too then."he says
I broke down into a full on sob he hugged me and told me it was ok we didn't have to worry any more.
But it didn't make me feel any better.

When I finally calmed down and got control of my actions he told me to get ready for school.
Monday's are even worse after a mental break down haha yep nothing good ever comes from them we should band Monday's and make them part of the weekend no school or work amor anything just used as time to sleep that would be nice.

I got out of bed and went to my closet the mirror on the door showed me that I looked ruff red puffy eyes runny nose my face all flushed.
I took of the oversized Tshirt I was wearing and grabbed a black tank top that said don't talk to me on it and a black bra and put them on I grabbed some blue boot cut jeans and wrestled them on I pulled a realtree camo hoodie on.

I slipped on a pair of dark brown rainbows with the braid then walked out and grabbed my bag.

I went down stairs everyone looked up at me with guarded eyes I was deathly quiet I walked out side grabbing the keys to the jeep on the way out I unlocked the doors I hopped in throwing my bag in the passenger seat I shut the door and I layed my head down on the steering wheel I yelled "d***et"my grip on the steering wheel was hard that my knuckles were white.
I let out a shaky breathe and started the car and drove to school I went strait to my locker and grabbed my books for my first few classes I shut my locker I heard my name being called...

"Kitty you're so cute when you're helpless.kitty!answer me!" "Jordan..."he yelled

I cleared my thoughts only to find diesel coming towards me.
"Jordan!Jordan wait"he yelled
Some kids got in his way I walked off I didn't want to talk to him I just wanted today over with.

I sat down in the class room the room filled up him being the last on in the teacher cleared his throat "diesel please sit down"he said diesel did that I could feel his stair on me I felt suffocated.

"Are you mad at me?"he said he sounded upset and broken I felt I tinge of guilt I looked him in the eye "no"I said then looked back to the teacher.

Lunch time...
So diesel thinks I'm mad at him and then got mad at me cause he thinks I'm lying and I'm kinda freaking tiered of it I wish he would just shut up already.

I got up to leave he grabbed my arm "where are you going"he said
"To grab something I'll be back in a minute I gave him a small smile he raised his eyebrow and nodded
Looking skeptical.
I went out the room I went outside to the bleachers I sat under them I put in head phones I close my eyes.

"Let's see how your brother feels about this"he said a evil smile on his face I cried "please don't hurt him!you can have me please!"I begged I watched as two men came in they through down lance he layed there not moving the only way to tell he was alive was his slow heart beat.

He grabbed him and chained him up on the other side of the cell
He used something to wake him up his face only showed pain.
"Now whatever you say or don't say the punishment will go to him kitty so be good or else he'll be in a lot of pain."he said
He put a thick wire in lances arm and turned to the box with dials on it.
It went from 10 to 200.

He put it on 30 lance started to shift and growl at him and tried to get away.
"Stop please"

"Don't speak unless your spoken too you whore"he says

I opened my eyes I looked at my phone I started to panic it was 2:50 I had slept for almost 3 hours I got up and went inside the school and headed towards the parking lot when some one grabbed me and covered my mouth pulling me into a room...

Hey so I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while this is more into her past and how its affected her.
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