Part imformation.

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"Diesel can I trust you to keep a secret"she says her eyes had a nervous glint in them which made my wolf feel on edge.

"Your my mate you can trust me with anything"I say as I wrap my arms around her and lean my head against hers.

"The resin I new you were a werewolf wasn't cause you acted like it although you do.
It's cause I'm one too"

(Jordan's POV)

He stared at me his eyes furrowed
"But you don't smell wolf"he says

"In My pack you learn while your young how to cover your scent only our pack knows how to achieve this of course do to our ancestors"I say

"Why didn't you just tell me"he looks into my eyes I don't know why but I feel as if he's sad I didn't tell him.

"I was scared to tell you you see people can't know about me it was a huge risk just telling you"I say

"Does that mean your family is..."he starts
"Not exactly you see my dad is a wolf and my moms not but my mom comes from a long line of all supernatural creatures channel,Markus,Ty are werecoyotes and me and lance are wolves"I say he nods in understanding

"But you see we all are elementals"I say

"What's an elemental"he says

"Well there's four water,fire,air and earth.we each have one ty and Markus both have earth, lance has air,channel has water,and then me well I have fire"I say
"The resin I was nervous about telling you is we accidentally went on your land we had no clue there were other packs near here so when you scared us I may or may not have made a wall of fire"I rant he looks in my eyes with those dark green emeralds of his own.

He leans down and kisses me sparks run up through my mouth and face as his hands one going on my cheek and the other on my arm spreading that warm fuzzy feeling.

We parted"your very stupid"he says I was both shocked and hurt at these words."and reckless"

"I planned on killing you that night and your should be more carful"he says putting a light kiss on my jaw and trailed more down my neck to the crook of it I felt like jello if he wanted me to do something I would that's how strong the bond was already.
I barley even know the guy but apparently fate doesn't give 2 shats about my feelings on this.

"Where The hell are you Jordan Kitty Bay!!!!"I here my ma's voice go in my head.

"Um the beach?"I say back trying to make it were Diesel doesn't notice my uneasiness I pull away from him and he looks at me confused.

"My parents want me back home"I say with a small smile.

He groaned out annoyed while smelling my hair ok I know I smell good but he does this to much I'm not so good with physical contact and he makes me do all the freakin time!

"I'll see you at school Hündchen"I say and start my way home.

(Diesels POV)

I watch as she runs off and sigh she's a strange one that's for sure I don't know how I'm going to deal with this for the rest of my life she's very secretive I can done tell that considering she new about me and wouldn't even give me the chance to know about her,and then there's the fact that she's always running off and most the time I have no idea where but she does that to other people like her siblings.

Maybe I'm over thinking it but she was defiantly holding back something and the part were she said it was dangerous to tell me just answered my suspicions about secrets.
I thought about all these things as I shifted and ran home when I get there I  order some pack member to find out all they could about my mate.
And to report back immediately when they found something.

I walk up the stairs having put shorts on when I shifted back.
I get to my room and shut the door needing a shower i take a cold one since I'm guessing my sister got in my shower.again!

After my shower I get boxers and sweat pants and put them on and lay in the bed resting my eyes for a minute only to drift into a needed sleep.

Well this is a shorter chapter so y'all wouldn't have to wait any longer I'm trying to update my stories more but with school Exams and our end of the 1 semester I'm trying to do well so it should be over soon and I'll most likely have more time to post stuff so tell me what you thought and if you liked it give it a vote keep in mind it makes my day when someone comments on here so that said love y'all!bye

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