"Bros, peeps, and homies?" Bree repeats. "Don't. Just...no."

"What's got you so grouchy? They run out of human footstools at the rich-guy club?" quips Leo.

"Did you forget that your little buddy Marcus found the lab last week? He could've discovered our bionic secret," Davenport reminds.

My face burns in shame. I know it was my fault. Though Chase has tried to convince me otherwise, there is still lingering guilt.

"Oh! Okay, so it's our fault that your million dollar smart home system didn't stop him?" Bree asks angry at his ruling.

Eddie pops up on his screen. "Don't go there, Super Girl. I was getting my beauty sleep. Something you might want to look into," he says in his annoying screechy voice.

"Look, it doesn't matter whose fault it was, even though someone was supposed to be watching him." Davenport points at us too causing more regret to stir in my gut.

"Well, technically someone pulled Leo and Vi away, letting Marcus roam free." Leo points back.

"Guy, I think you're talking about each other," says Adam oblivious to what we mean.

"I think they know that, Adam," I say exasperated. My happy mood has been depleted now that I must spend the entire opening night with Stephanie.

"Bottom line, I am keeping a tighter leash on you three. Leo, Vi, because I can't always be there, you have to step it up and do a better job of watching out for them," Davenport orders.

"You're right," I say not making excuses.

"No problem, Big D, I may have let one goon get too close, but I won't let any more Marcuses slip through the cracks. From now on, you can call me The Enforcer!" says Leo.

"I'm still just Vi," I vocalize not wanting any other name.

"The Hammer is down, people. No more talking to boys, no more talking to girls, and no more helping old ladies to their cars."

"I was helping your grandmother," Chase defends.

Leo gets into Chase's face - on him tippy toes and through gritted teeth says, "Trust no one!"

Not a moment later, Davenport appears with the same enthusiasm I had when I woke up, "It's here! It's here! It's here!"

"What? What is it?" Bree asks confused at his change in demeanor.

"Whatever it is, I hope it came with a big box of masculinity l, 'cause I never wanna see that again," Eddie jokes.

I roll my eyes since there is nothing wrong with displaying joy.

"Just come here!" He leads us to the garage. "Meet the world's first self-driving car, designed by yours truly. That's right, just when you thought I couldn't get more awesome, BOOM! I got more awesome!" Davenport says flailing his limbs about excitedly.

"And, BOOM! I still wanna be dropped off a block away from school," says Bree.

"So, how does this thing drive itself" Leo asks.

Davenport begins to explain how the machine works, "Oh, well, uh, see this panel on top? It receives a satellite signal and sends all the pertinent information to the cars on-board computer and voila, it drives itself! Hey, did I mention, by the way, that this car goes 200 miles an hour?" He pauses. "No? That's because it goes 300!"

The computer is activated, "Good evening, Donald. Would you like to take a ride?"

"She sounds classy," Leo says.

The Bionic Teens, Leo, and Me Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora