"Thank you, Miss Winchester. Did he hurt you?"

"No, sir. "

"Okay. We need to ask Mrs. Wild some questions and your good to go." The policewoman says.

Chris pulls me over to the kitchen. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" I ask.

"For dragging you into my personal problems. All you did was come over to get Coltons shoes and you had to witness all of that. I'm so sorry. " Chris apologizes.

"I'm sorry for being nosy but what happened to your dad?" I ask Chris.

Chris sighs and runs a hand through his perfect brown hair. "My dad is an alcoholic. He's messed up. He started smoking and all he did was drink. My mom was too scared to kick him out. She's still in love with him. He's been smoking in the house and it's just not good. He's bad news. Violet has been coughing and wheezing. I tried to kick him out for my mom but he got angry." Chris explains.

I embrace Chris and he tenses up, then hugs me back.

"This kind of ruined Halloween," Chris says.

"No! Do not let this ruin Halloween." I exclaim.

Chris raises an eyebrow, "you hate Halloween." He says.

"I can hate it less if it makes you feel better," I say with a shrug.

"That's sweet but I'm fine. You can hate Halloween as much as you want. I'll love it enough for the both of us. " Chris says.

"What are you being for Halloween?" I ask.

"You'll see," he says with a wink. I can't help but smile. "By the way, where's Violet?"

"Upstairs, watching High School Musical. " I say with a shrug.

"Nice," Chris comments. "Wait here. I'll go get Coltons dwarf shoes." I start to laugh.

Chris comes back a few minutes later with his shoes. They don't look like dwarf shoes to me.

"Thanks. See you tonight?" I ask. Chris nods and smiles.

"Bye, Iz." He calls as I walk out the door.

"Oh and Chris?" I peep my head through the door.


"Please. If you need some help or anything, call me." I say. Chris nods, sending me a grateful smile.


My costume was on and I looked amazing, like usual. Just kidding.

I grinned at my seven brothers in their dwarf costumes. They all looked insane. They were definitely NOT dwarf sized.

"Aw! You all look so cute," Prim cheers. I grin at her while grumpy, Colton, groans.

"Don't be grumpy, grumpy!" Bashful aka Weston says with a smirk.

We all laugh, except for Colton. I've missed this.

The doorbell rings and I grab the bowl of candy, thinking it's kids.

But it's not kids, it's a grinning Prince Charming and a laughing jar of peanut butter and a giggling jar of jelly.

Chasing Isabella WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now